Mites And Ticks

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Mites and Ticks

Mites and Ticks


Ticks and Mites are placed in the class Arachnida; within a subclass Acari, and the order Acarina (ticks and mites), the genus and species members are responsible for diseases such as scabies, allergic processes, dermatosis, Borreliosis and ricketsiosis, among others1.

Mites and ticks, a group of invertebrates associated with spiders. The mites are 1 / 64 inch to 1 / 8 inch (0.4 to 3 mm) long, ticks are 1 / 8 to 1 1 / 8 inch (3 to 29 mm) long. Some species of mites live in the land, others water. Some are agricultural pests, feeding on leaves and fruit trees. Some diseases caused by the species of microorganisms, a species that causes scabies in vertebrates. Other species of mites are beneficial predators of aphids in eggs and nematode worms. Ticks live on land, mainly in forests and grasslands. Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that can carry disease-producing microorganisms transmitted to mammals, birds and reptiles through a bite on the skin1.

Most species of mites and ticks lay eggs, but in some species, young are born alive. The mite usually lay their eggs in wounds made in the skin of an animal or outside a factory. Females of some species lay their eggs on the leaves loose in the stripes, which are produced in the silk glands near the mouth. Tick eggs are laid on the ground mass. The eggs of mites and ticks develop into larvae, which have three pairs of legs.


The technology of gene transfer is expected to deliver the pathogens can not support the development of the parasite or virus that lead to the eradication of the etiologic agents and diseases. One particular area under consideration is the development of transgenic mosquitoes to prevent transmission of diseases such as malaria. The first breakthrough in this regard is the current availability of genome sequencing of Anopheles Gambia2.

Another new discipline in the field of forensic entomology, exploiting the fact that insects are important scavengers in the decomposition of corpses. The close association between insects and corpses and the use of insects in investigations medicocriminal been the subject of this new discipline called forensic entomology. Use of medical techniques, the time since death can not be measured accurately during the first two or three days after death2. However, when calculating the age of immature stages of insects that feed on a corpse and the subsequent analysis of species ...
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