Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy

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Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy

The concept of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy was formulated by zindel segal. John teasdale and mark williams which was basically build up upon the a certain type of therapy that is known as cognitive therapy which was formulated by Aaron T. Beck in the year 1960s. This was done by combining it with another program that was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn later in the year 1979 that was named as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Mindfulness cognitive therapy which is also known as Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is a psychological therapy which is formulated in order to support for the prevention of the deterioration of depression specifically in those individuals who are suffering some major disorders of depression (Piet & Hougaard, 2011, Pp.1032-1040). This therapy utilizes some of the traditional methods of Cognitive behavioural therapy and also adds some of the latest strategies of psychology such as mindfulness and meditation in mindfulness. Methods adopted within the cognitive therapy can include certain kind of education in which the participant is being taught about depression in some detail (Manicavasgar et al., 2011, Pp.138-144).

Mindfulness and mindfulness meditation purely concentrates on knowing of all the incoming feelings and thoughts and then accepting them but not reacting towards them nor attaching with them (Hofmann et al, 2010, Pp.701-710). The functions performed by Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy resemble to the function of CBT in which it focuses on the theoretical perspective that when any person who had some issues related to depression in the past, when becomes distressed, the person refers back towards the process of cognition that can initiate a depressive episode within that individual (Felder et al, 2012, Pp.179-186). The main purpose of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is to intervene within these processes and to teach the participants how to pay less attention do these depressive episodes and how to accept and observe these episodes without making any judgment. This practice of mindfulness gives the permission to the participants to take notice of these automatic processes when they occur so that they could make alteration to their reactions to be reflection instead. Certain researches have supported the effects of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy in those individuals who have faced depression two or more than two times and have shown the reduced rates of relapse around by 50% (Ma, S. H &Teasdale, 2004, 31-40).

Cognitive therapy that is based upon the mindfulness basically relies on the principles of cognitive therapy that utilizes certain techniques such as meditation of mindfulness in order to make the patient learn to pay attention consciously to his occurring feelings and thoughts without having them judge first or getting occupied in thoughts that that could have occurred in future or might occur in the near future. This provides the patient with the clarity of his or her thoughts and also provides the patient with some necessary tools that are required in order to let go the negative thoughts more easily besides allowing those thoughts to feed on his ...
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