Psychoanalysis has traditionally been a science that studies the workings and contents of the unconscious portions of the mind. This is where the Development of mind steps in; the insights may be obtained in advance, as the individual examines his experience from the point of view of greater mindfulness and objectivity, a highly developed intelligence and a wide, integrated knowledge base in which the Superego has been subsumed (Freud 2004).It has perhaps overlooked the important role that consciousness plays in ordinary life and in providing the levels of control and self-awareness individuals both experience and require. Following are th major theories;
Theory Psychoanalysis
Freud's Theory Of Psychosexual Development
Structure Model Of The Mind (Id, Ego And Superego)
Freud's 5 stages
The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud. While his theories were considered shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a profound influence on a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and art. (Eysenck 2004).
The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freud's work and research, including Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freud relied heavily upon his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of personality development. Before we can understand Freud's theory of personality, we must first understand his view of how the mind is organized (Eysenck 2004).
According to Freud(2004), the mind can be divided into two main parts:
The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness. Freud called this ordinary memory the preconscious.
The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences (Fields 2004).
Freud's Theory Of Psychosexual Development
According to Freud(2004 39), people enter the world as unbridled pleasure seekers. Specifically, people seek pleasure through from a series of erogenous zones. These erogenous zones are only part of the story, as the social relations learned when focussed on each of the zones are also important. Freud's theory of development has two primary ideas: One, everything you become is determined by your first few years - indeed, the adult is exculsively determined by the child's experiences, because whatever actions occur in adulthood are based on a blueprint laid down in the earliest years of life (childhood solutions to problems are perpetuated) Two, the story of development is the story of how to handle anti-social inpulses in socially acceptable ways(Corey 2008).
Freud (2004) believed that one of the central factors in the development of personality was the ...