Mind Control Conspiracies

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Mind control conspiracies


Most of human annals have been a sequence of efforts by some humans to command what other humans think. When this effort doesn't take the pattern of a superior coordinated Religion, we call it “mind command conspiracy” and formally designate it as “bad.” (Pierre, 87)

Cults and Secret Societies have utilized straightforward brainwashing methods for as long as any individual can remember.

The phrase “assassin,” for example, is Arabic for “user of hashish.” The initial assassins were an 11th Century Islamic culture of murderers called the Nizari, who were pledged the glories of martyrdom (not different their up to date equivalents). Their foremost suggested a preview of the paradise to arrive, visions supposedly consigned by large doses of hash. In India, highly secretive cults flourished for centuries in the titles of some of the more brutal deities for example Kali.


In supplement to performing straightforward mind command conspiracy methods on their own, these thief and murderer cults furthermore motivated other ones to take up their techniques. The Knights Templar was based to battle off just such musicians of robbers and murderers, who had been aiming at Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. (Prowant, 87)

In the 1700s, Franz Anton Mesmer was born, assessing a rotating issue in the annals of mind command conspiracy. Mesmer evolved a method called “animal magnetism” as a health method for healing several illnesses (primarily psychosomatic) which were not well appreciated at the time. Animal magnetism was rapidly named “mesmerism” and subsequent morphed into “hypnotism.”

Mesmerism engaged distinct methods, encompassing the position or blandishment of literal magnets round the topics, and the monotonous repetition of phrases and pitch, which induced a trance-like state in its subjects. (Lung, 76)

In a hypnotic trance, the subject is prone to suggestibility. They are inclined to accept as factual what they are notified and their senses will malfunction to back up these suggestions. Mesmer mainly utilized the method to therapy diverse stress-related illnesses but it shortly became clear that hypnotism could furthermore be utilized to make persons manage things they wouldn't commonly do. 

The major difficulty with hypnosis as a mind-control method is that it's attractive tough to hypnotize somebody contrary to their will. That's why insidious megalomaniacs returned to the methods utilized by the first Assassins — pharmaceuticals — while creating new and stimulating modes to control the masses in an economical fashion.


Television and Subliminal

Subliminal mind command conspiracy furthermore performances to the suggestibility of humankind (i.e., the presumption that we are not much more complicated than sheep). The method, most very well utilized in advocating, engages embedding mystery pictures into harmless-looking pictures in alignment to “sneak” a note exactly into the viewer's subconscious.

Subliminal advocating has lived for a long time in the pattern of subtle visual cues embedded in still images, but the method first strike the large-scale time in the 1950s, when marketer entitled James Vicary created a procedure for injecting subliminal notes into films. (Miele, 87)

His method would blink a straightforward text note for a lone border on a video screen. While viewers ...
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