Methods Of Interoperability In Healthcare

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Methods of Interoperability in Healthcare

Methods of Interoperability in Healthcare


The aim of this paper is to define the concept of interoperability. The paper would initiate by identifying one kind of human services organization and the services it provides. The paper would than explain, with adequate application based medical examples, the three methods of interoperability. These methods are:

Platform Interoperability

Capabilities to run applications on any type of platform.

Modular Interoperability

Capabilities to make alterations in the integrated application by interchanging module sub-systems.

Data Interoperability

Capabilities for data exchange in healthcare systems and applications (Gaynor, 2008).

The paper would further discuss how each method of interoperability could be integrated into the selected organization and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Furthermore, the advantages of standardization of the World Wide Web to aid interoperability of various health care related applications and other medical devices would be discussed. These assessments would help in identifying contingency and backup plans for healthcare service provider when technology fails.


It can be asserted that interoperability projects in Information Technology (ICT) will create an efficient health care system. The processes will become more efficient and more transparent, as well as this, there will exist a higher level of quality. Interoperability has several definitions, varying from country to country, but it can be defined as the ability of a system to interact and communicate with others, or ability to transfer and use information in a uniform and efficient manner among several organizations and information systems.

Factors of success in the application of information technologies in healthcare and public administration have many advantages. It can further improve the mechanisms of governance, using ICT to enhance and change and be able to become an administrative modernization in order to reduce costs and stimulate efficient healthcare delivery by healthcare providers. For example, public healthcare providers can have many databases in one place, which may have a greater supply of services to citizens, integrate services to its business model and information system have an interface to use different services and thus avoid the collection of data that has been collected by another entity (Walker, 2005). As such the essential basis of Interoperability consists of the binomial information and communication, which is the power in societies and organizations.

Changes to applications and systems operating with interoperability in a healthcare system have powers directly to cause and affect changes. Changes in the way of acting, collaborate, analyze, and decide, to check, to control, to manage. Changes in the way of organizing the powers, functions, processes, Interoperability essentially change the visibility, transparency, accountability, way of being and living, awareness of belonging and contribution within the whole of the healthcare unit (CITL, 2004).

Methods of Interoperability

There are three methods of interoperability. These methods are:

Platform Interoperability

Capabilities to run applications on any type of platform.

Modular Interoperability

Capabilities to make alterations in the integrated application by interchanging module sub-systems.

Data Interoperability

Capabilities for data exchange in healthcare systems and applications (Gaynor, 2008).

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