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Methodology Chapter for Research Proposal

Methodology Chapter for Research Proposal


There is no any denying the fact that research is the systematic and scientific search for the relevant information on any chosen topic and usually experimenter at the end find out the relationship between the variables. In every research dissertation or thesis, there is the research methodology chapter which guides the researcher from introduction to the recommendations in a paper (Koul 2009).

Ethnography Research

Ethnography research is the way of collecting data while carefully observing the behavior of target customers, users, workers and so on (LeCompte & Schensul 2010). . In my research area, pay-for-performance, it is difficult to collect the real data by directly asking questions or conducting interviews from the employers. Actual data is the heart of research and help in eradicating the problem or issues within the society and also organizations. The interpretation of data (e.g. thematic, content, discourse and hermeneutical analysis etc) might take some time, but it will be authentic and more reliable. In addition, ethnography is more valuable at the beginning of research and my project is also at the initial phase.

Population and Sampling

The total population of employers who are working against the commission, bonus, reward or pay-for-performance is unknown. In this situation, the ideal sample size is 150 for the correct results. We will apply Non-probability technique for the sampling in which we are selecting particular respondents (Suri 2011, pp.63-75). For this, we will use snowball method in which I will take help from friends and relatives to approach the managers or representative of organizations. This data would be authentic and meaning for my project as it will show the response of employers in the pay-for-performance model of recruitment. We will break the sample in two groups e.g. behavior observation and questionnaire respondents.

Data collection techniques

Primary data collection will be taken through the observation and questionnaire. In observation, we are watching the behavior of respondent in any particular situation (Wilcox et al, 2012, pp. 68-73). It will be our best possible effort to notice the natural behavior of focus group. In this regard, we will maintain the diary to keep the record. Furthermore, for the quantitative data, we will set a questionnaire which would be close-ended. In the close-ended questionnaire, respondent select one best answer from the available options. For each variable there would be at least eight questions.

Secondary data not the work of experimenter, it ...
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