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Methodology is defined as a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity: a methodology for investigating the concept of focal point (Oxford Dictionaries, 2010). It can also be defined as a branch of pedagogics dealing with analysis and evaluation of subjects to be taught and of the methods of teaching them (



To achieve and fulfil the aims of this research, review papers and secondary sources such as books, articles, research reports, statistics and the internet were used. To conduct this research various databases were used, such as Google, Quest and the University of Cumbria Library catalogue to search for specific keywords for the investigation such as: Black Boys and Education, Achievement for black boys in school, black boys failing in school, Factors affecting black boys, Theories affecting black boys in education. These databases found around 80 to 100 academic literature, books, and statistics. This included reports, reviews and graphs on the educational system, institutional racism, black culture; studies on the achievement of black boys and other ethnic groups and history on black African's and African Caribbean's migrating to the United Kingdom and how it all began. Books and articles from 2000 - 2011 onwards were considered in order to be up to date with current literature and research studies; however books from the 1980s onwards were included as it explained how the problem began and it enable comparisons to be made.

This research consist of both quantitative research which focuses on the percentages used to present the achievement gap between black boys and other ethnic groups at GCSE level and employment level; and qualitative research which focuses on literature based on the underachievement of black boys and the factors linked to the issues surrounding the problem.

The methodology for this research will be a extend literature review as the topic could view as socially sensitive subject. As this research will be discussing the achievement levels between black boys and may suggest that teachers, parents and social influences may impact on the underachievement of black boys; it was decided that other forms of methods could possibly cause negative implications. So a decision was made to conduct the research by using a literature review method. A comprehensive literature review ensures that the research is suitable, up to date and not repeating existing research.

Qualitative Research

The methodology chosen for this research is basically qualitative. Qualitative is the research that is based on the secondary sources. As the nature of the research suggest that one should consult the secondary sources because in the past, the researchers have done an immensely great work. Therefore, the researcher is of the idea that it would not be much difficult if the research carried out through qualitative approach.

Most qualitative research starts from a constructivist epistemological position and from one of a variety of theoretical perspectives, such as inter-pretivist, feminist, or critical inquiry. Constructivists believe in the socially constructed nature of reality. This idea that reality is generated through social interaction and iterative ...
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