Most of the researches on memory evaluates the accuracy in different tasks by means of success and mistakes. Nevertheless, these objective measurements do not inform about the quality of the memory experiences. In other way, most of the variables in the different studies Analyzed on memory Processes, concern the quality of memory trace's in Addition to Their accuracy. In the present work some of the Most Used measurements to study the quality of the experiences of memory are checked as an alternative to accuracy measurements: knowing and remembering Judgments, and the phenomenological analysis of the characteristics of the memory statements.
The time required to perform the primary task augmented systematically depending on the increasing memory load imposed by concurrent repeat task digits.
Research in cognitive psychology have been based on what Tulving (1989) calls the doctrine of concordance between behavior, cognition and experience. This doctrine, as a general principle implies that there should be no behaviors that accompany knowledge, knowledge could not be acquired or expressed without being aware, and there should be no case in which changes in consciousness cannot be expressed by its corresponding behavior. However, this doctrine that has governed most cognitive research is not always true. Tulving asserts that there is no correlation between performance, knowledge recovered and conscious experience of recovery. Against the doctrine of concordance Tulving (1989) proposed the hypothesis of indifference between cognition, behavior and experience, whereby a) human behavior does not always depend on the individual's knowledge or experience of what it does, and b) even highly complex knowledge need not reflect the same way consciousness and recovery characteristics of past events. From this hypothesis Tulving claimed the importance of research on the experience of recovery, primarily considering that Cognitive Psychology is the science of mental life and conscious experience is the main representative.
This research will gather and analyze data gathered from previous researches conducted on the subject of memory and memory recall in order to determine the whether the time required to perform the primary task augmented systematically depending on the increasing memory load imposed by concurrent repeat task digits.
Graf and Mandler (1984) argued that to solve memory tasks can use two types of processes: a) the activation of a mental representation that facilitates accessibility of stored information, and b) development that establishes relationships between different mental components content and increases your chance of recovery. Ie most memory tasks could be implemented through automatic or controlled processes associated with different levels of consciousness, but identical results if we measure their effectiveness in terms of accuracy only. This applies to both memory tasks as reconnaissance.
Regarding the tasks of memory, Jacoby (1991) proposed that implementation reflects a mix between intentional and automatic retrieval memory influences. In the same vein, Jones (1982.1987) suggested that direct access to the memory trace has a high component of automatic processing, while the indirect access implies search and information generation and decision-making processes about the origin of the memories that controlled processes are ...