Memorable Place

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Memorable Place

Memorable Place


For individual in this world, there is always a place that one feels a special connection with. For some people, it is their home, for some it is a place far away from home. Often depending on the personality of the individual, places can have varying significance. The association or the connection may be due to different reasons. It could be due the presence of the loved one, the environment that one finds tranquil, the people of a city, or simply because it offers an escape from the usual grind of life.

During my time as a child, I remember visiting so many places with my family throughout Southern California. One of the best memories was when I visited Lake Arrowhead. Located in the beautiful mountains of San Bernardino, Lake Arrowhead is a tiny city where every family would enjoy living in. Not only is Lake Arrowhead Village a great place to live but great place to enjoy nature's beauty at any time of the day. I remember Lake Arrowhead for its beautiful scenery, it is family-oriented, and it has many outdoor activities (Tetley, 2005).

While visiting Lake Arrowhead in the winter time, I fell head over heels with the beautiful scenery that nature brought upon my eyes. As I arrived to the house in the evening, I looked up and I was able to see the stars that lit up the sky above me. As I walk down to the lake, I was able to hear the crickets' chirping and the owls hooting as they hear the crackling of the snow that I'm stepping upon. As I look through the horizon of the snow, I saw the never ending slope falling towards the lake that apparently was frozen. As I sat on one of the unfrozen steps, I looked up once again, and I see the beautiful full moon sitting on a cloud. The stars shined even brighter when the moon glistened its light down to Earth. The lake looked really calm and I only saw a couple of ripples being caused by a female duck and her ducklings swimming in the middle of the lake. In the morning when I looked outside the window, the sun shined beautifully through the icicles that dangled down the side of the house. When I drove down to the city, you can see the cities that are at sea level. As ...
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