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Task - 1

Personnel Issue - Jane Smith

Jane Smith is a newly hired person within last 30 days. Jane has filed a complaint against her immediate supervisor about the aggressive work environment. She has been posting issues fliers in common areas telling employees the importance of unionizing, and has put in for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time for a child she is attempting to adopt.

Best resolution for the Agency - Jane Smith

Family and Medical Leave Act allow an employee to acquire leave for twelve workweeks in the 12-months period to take care of newly adopted child from foster care center. She can acquire leave within the first year of child placement. Organization must grant leave to Jane for the care of adopted child, as it is her right to avail leave based on Family and Medical Leave Act.

Supervisor must not lay pressure on Jane; supervisor is responsible to maintain a happy workplace environment for employees. Supervisor must provide fair labor practices to Jane. Immediate supervisor is the reason for motivating or de-motivating employees. If he does not treat his employees well, it can result in turnover in an organization, and if he treats his employees appropriately, it can increase productivity in an organization.

Personnel Issue - Bob Smith

Bob smith has been working in an organization for 20 years. He has requested for help under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) for mental illness. He has issues with short-term memory loss after falling off his roof at home and sustaining a brain injury 7 years ago.

Best resolution for the Agency - Bob Smith

An employee suffering with mental disability has the right to have equal employment opportunity in an organization under the act of American with Disabilities Act. Bob Smith is an aged and loyal employee and organization cannot terminate him just because of mental illness. An organization must provide him medical facility or treat him as an exceptional employee. To make ease on Bob, organization must not involve him in long-term projects. Extra workload must not be put on him and keep him involved in a short period projects. An organization cannot terminate an individual just because he is suffering from mental illness, equal opportunity is for everyone and our organization must follow this Act.

Rights of the Employee

The employee and the employer's relation is built on trust and rights of parties. Employees and employers have specific rights according to the laws and legislation of labor. Balancing between employee rights and employer rights has pivotal role based on fair and triumphant relationships in employment.

Employees have general rights to work in an organization. Following are the general employee rights:

Employee has to receive fair treatment on without discrimination against other employee based on ethnicity, race or religion. Discrimination and unfair treatment must not take place in an organization.

Employee must get proper resources and equipment according to the nature of work.

Organization must provide safe working environment to its employees.

Organization must provide salaries or wages to employees on the settled date and ...
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