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Importance of Nursing Policies

Nursing policies are termed as one of an important area that should not be ignored. Nursing is termed as a phenomenon that can actually lead towards some best possible outcomes as well. Therefore for this specific purpose nursing policies are termed to be very much important and therefore proper nursing policies should be applied in order to genearte effective outcomes. If proper nursing policies are applied in a proper manner, then only optimal outcomes are generated and therefore it is very much important to properly apply the nursing policies so that every rule regarding the healthcare can be applied in a proper manner. Healthcare is termed as an important area and this is the main reason that why nursing related policies are termed to be very much important and should be applied in a proper manner (Cooke & Philpin, 2008).

Relationship between Policy Making & Political Process

In nursing based system one of an important relationship as a matter of fact exists between the policies making as well as political process. This is thus termed as one of the main as well as an important method with the help of which nursing system can be made effective and in the end overall system of a society can be generated in an effective manner as well. Therefore as a matter of fact the relationship between the policies making as well as political process should be made in a well effective manner and all the policies should be thus molded in an effective manner as well. If every single policy is made in the best possible manner then only positive as well as optimal outcomes can be generated.

Roles of Nurses in Policy Making Process

Nurses as a matter of fact termed as the best possible people with the help of which overall healthcare ...
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