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Thesis on Health Technology

Students pursuing their degrees in Health Technology need to prepare a thesis as part of their course curriculum. For most students, this part is very challenging, as it requires extensive research and data collection. At Researchomatic we have built a team of expert consultants and tutors who can help students with their thesis writing. Support is offered right from topic selection, proposal development, implementation, analysis and evaluation.

“cms Never Events”
“CMS NEVER EVENTS” Thesis Statement Despite their stated purpose of upholding safety and promoting improvement of quality patient care, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid CMS “Never” events has adopted unfair principles of reimbursement that pose great difficulties for the health providers. Firstly, it has not considered the unpreventable and unforeseeable nature ...
Support Vector Machine (Svm) In Lung Cancer Detection Using X-Ray
Support vector machine (SVM) in lung cancer detection using X-ray By ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This dissertation is an opportunity for me to extend my regards to my research supervisor, my beloved friends, and my family for their untiring support that they furnished throughout my research. I am grateful to them for their belief in me ...
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