Medical - Healthcare

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Medical - Healthcare

Week 5 Discussion 1

The Department of Healthcare in United States serves the principal agency of nations for protecting the American's health and providing the essential services of human. The USDH - U.S - Department of Health enjoyed many highlights which are as follows (CDC 2011):

2010: The ACA - Affordable Care Act was signed that put in place the insurance reforms of United States (U.S.) health Department.

2003: The MA - Modernization Act 2003 and MPDI - Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement was performed; including a benefit of prescription drug, the Medicare expanded significantly after its enactment.

2002: In order to coordinate the efforts against emergency health threats and bioterrorism, the office of PHEP - Public Health Emergency Preparedness was created.

2001: To replace the administrations of Health Care Financing, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare was established. The Health Department of U.S. responded to the attack of nation's first bioterrorism and delivery of anthrax by the use of mail.

2000: During the particular time period, the sequencing of human genome was published.

Current Status of U.S. Public Health

The entities and systems that promote and protect the health of public are already challenged by the issues like toxic environments, obesity, health disparities and a large uninsured population must deal with emerging threats such as bioterrorism and antimicrobial resistance. The cultural, social and global contexts of health of nation are also changing rapidly and at the same time, products, people and germs migrate and the demographics of nations are transferring in a way that challenge the private and public resources (Eisenberg 1998). The achievements of national health in recent years examine the vulnerabilities that were hidden and they destabilize the present health potential. If it is not addressed properly it could product a declination in the future status of the American people. ...
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