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How Dietary Requirements Vary With Factors Including Age, Sex and Activity

The dietary requirement of person may vary with the factors including age sex and physical activities (Cameron & Bogin, 2012, pp. 124-140). The requirements of calorie are at peak in the age of 25 years and it is declined by around 2% in every 10 years. A 25 year old person needs 2200 calories for maintenance of weight and it will be reduced to 2156 calories by the age of 35 years, 2,113 at 45 years and 2,071 at 55 years and so on. The aging bodies replace muscle mass with fats that burns less calories as compared to muscle mass. On the other hand, an adult man contain less body fats in his body and around 10-20% more muscles as compared to a woman of same age and size. As muscle mass burns more calories as compared to fat, then calories requirements of a man are around 5-10% higher as compared to a woman. There is an exception for women during lactation and pregnancy (Srilakshmi, 2006, pp. 7-9).

Furthermore, the dietary requirement varies with respect to metabolism. A living body requires a minimum number of calories for the maintenance of vital functions like heart beat and breathing. This minimum number is known as Basal Metabolic Rate. A woman with 150 pound weight needs 1,500 calorie in a day and a man with 175 pound weight requires around 1,925 calorie in a day. Extra calories are required for activity and digestions. In addition, the dietary requirement varies according to the level of activity. The kind of exercise and level of intensity determines the exact amount of burnt calories (Cameron & Bogin, 2012, pp. 124-140). The following picture shows the dietary requirement with respect to age sex and physical activity:

Disadvantage of the given nutritional plan for Athlete

The intake of Calorie for athletes is low, which is around 2500 calories. It depends on their activity or sport, these pope require extra 100-1500 calories. The increased amount of calories can be obtained from starchy carbohydrate (potatoes, pasta, and rice), to help glycogen to load for production of energy which is needed in training and competition. The diet containing slow releasing carbohydrates like banana is helpful in fuel replacement. The intake of protein is low which is necessary for the maintenance and development of athletic muscles together with repair of tissue. The snacks containing protein training (e.g. nuts, seeds) would be helpful in provision of better and constant source of energy for training. Increasing intake of minerals and vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Potassium, magnesium would be helpful for the absorption of protein and improvement of connective tissue repair. Such diet also acts as pro-hormones and anti-oxidants. The intake of fluid should be higher for the athletes for the replacement of lost of fluid in training. This could contain electrolyte mix for avoiding dehydration and decrease in performance. It is recommended to normal person to obtain 1.5-2L, but an athlete should ingest caffeine ...
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