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Mental health needs in men

Mental health needs in men


This paper examines the mental health needs of a specific group and critically analyse the provision of appropriate services for this group. Working conditions have changed significantly in recent years, demands for flexibility, mobility and accountability have increased, production processes and communication has accelerated, and the work pressure has become more precarious. The psychological pressure on employees, too, is becoming stronger. These changes require adaptability and transcendence difficult to assume, that the finding of an increase in mental health problems directly related to working conditions. At company level, one consequence is the loss of productivity and competitiveness for the community. This paper brings together provisions of services cultural and mental health gender issues (male).

The health policy makers and authorities must consider the significance of men's health in the nourishment of the society. It is considered as a generalized point of view since ages that the good health of men is necessary to have passive effect on each and every individual in the community or society. The health of men is usually emphasized and focused as agenda of reproductive health issues particularly associated to child's health. There is a close relationship between mental and physical health. The significance of mental health can be understood from its impact in form of peace of mind, enjoying life, combating problems, strengthened inner force, and many more blessings. The needs with respect to mental health can be comprehended by analyzing the characteristics associated to the gender. It will further highlight social and cultural attitudes of what society thinks about Social conditioning. For instance; men's experience in childhood and adultery, because as per various researches younger men are more exposed to domestic violence and abuse. The primary focus for this essay is men and depression.

The primary reason considered as valid behind the increasing number of mental sickness amongst men is altered role with respect to many aspects of life over the past 15 years. One of the logical factors behind this increasing trend is considered as the shift from being a house wife or simply homemaker to working mothers who bear tension of financial crises and managing home at the same time. Depression and anxiety are two most common mental issues faced by men. The increased responsibilities have led to increase in the mental health issues and various disorders among men in the age of 40s and 50s. The survey conducted on the mental disorder of men exhibited that 8.2% of men in their adulthood go through attention deficit and 31.5% of men experience posttraumatic disorders in life at some point. This paper aims to investigate whether the mental health problems are more prevalent in men or they are present in a greater extent among women. This paper will further explore what is over looked and are there adequate services available for men (Gillon, 2007).



The study population of 1072 individuals is drawn from the males and females who were seeking the mental ...
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