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Changing Health Behaviours



Health Behaviours1

Role of Health Behaviours in Health Results2

Predicting the Performance of Health Behaviours2

Demographic Factors3

Psychological and cognitive3

Emotional factors4

Changing Health Behaviours4

Barriers to Change4

Social Cognition Models5

The Health Belief Model5

Protection Motivation Theory6

Self-efficacy Theory6

The Trans-theoretical Model6

False consensus effect7



Changing Health Behaviours


The healthcare sector is varying extensively from a disease model to an implementation of health responsive model. For effectively managing health responsive models, health promotion practices should be exercised within the healthcare sector. Health promotion should not begin with the means. It should begin with the goals and missions. A biomedical intervention is not the only means for health promotion. Lifestyle and behaviour impact on the quality of health (Bandura, 2004, p.2). Health behaviours enable people to maintain and control their health. To practice this healthiness process, self-management is the good process (Bandura, 2004, p.2).


Most of the people among us want to live a healthy and long life. Health behaviours play a significant role in making our role healthy, happy and log. By adopting 4 health behaviours such as not smoking, being active physically, low consumption of alcohol and eating fresh fruits and vegetable can add 14 years to one's life. To adopt health behaviours, health promotions should be adopted to lead a healthy and long life (Hankonen, 2011, p.14).

Health Behaviours

Health behaviours are the activities carried out by a person who wants to protect himself from any disease. It is the habits and behaviours adopted by the person for health maintenance, restoration and improvements. It is defined as any activity which is undertaken to prevent and detect disease for health improvement (Norman & Corner, 2005, p.2). Behaviours that fall in the health behaviours include usage of medical services such as vaccinations, physician visits and screening. It also includes diabetic, dietary and antihypertensive regimes and self-motivated health behaviours such as exercise, diet and smoking (Norman & Corner, 2005, pp.2).

Role of Health Behaviours in Health Results

Various studies have been carried out to measure the impact and outcomes of health behaviours. Such studies described the significance of health behaviours in mortality and morbidity. Alameda Country identified seven factors, which have a positive effect on health that includes moderate intake of alcohol, not smoking, regular exercising, 7-8 hours' sleep per night, avoiding snacks, maintaining body weight and usual breakfast. These factors are related to the lower morbidity, and higher survival (Norman & Corner, 2005, p.3).

Research was also conducted related to the main reasons of premature deaths and losses in the Western World. These root causes include cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This research emphasized on the removal of negative behaviours which includes alcohol consumption, physical exercise, sexual behaviours, dietary choice and smoking. It is concluded that health behaviours have a great impact on the health outcomes. Positive health behaviours can prevent from diseases and increase the life span of person (Norman & Corner, 2005, p.3).

Predicting the Performance of Health Behaviours

This is the question that arises in our mind that can we understand and predict that who performs Health ...
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