Media In The World Today

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Media in the World Today

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement that has been undertaken for developing this paper is 'there are endless fallacies in the media's spotlight.'


Media implies any source of information dissemination, any medium of communication or any code of instruction through which a message is transported from one destination to another. Media these days has transformed so much, to the point where even news that is flawed or false and has no credibility becomes the news of the day.

Incepting from the times of paintings and carvings that existed over the period of time to the current economic digitization that has been existing through the age, making it the most suspicious and the most reliable source of earning information altogether occurring and existing at the same time (McQuail, pp.16).

The word 'media' has been coined sometime in the 1960's in the state of Canada, which has now spread worldwide as a global phenomenon. In the modern era that we individuals continue to live in, media has now become a need, a necessity without whose presence and interference, the world would probably step back into the Stone Age.

For this paper, our basic understanding would revolve the perceptions and the beliefs that are associated with the media's spotlight and how things tend to cloud and clutter the minds of the audience in a particular given instance that can change and mold our perception.


It becomes evident that regardless of the benefits and the facility that has been intended through this not only makes way for cluttering our overall perception, but also imposes negative impression upon the mind of the people.

This has been particularly witnessed by the people who are news anchors and reporters who are themselves, aware of the condition of the country, but still pertain to choose to adopt a certain point of view, in ...
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