Media Development Authority

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Media Development Authority

Media Development Authority


There are various reasons for the importance of news among societies. The main objective of news is to inform people about various occasions and events that can impact their life. However, there are various news that are for the purpose of entertainment or regarding entertainment industry. News channels are the source of information to society and individual and it enables them to feel that they are connected with the rest of the world. There are various sources of news such as radio, TV, news paper and news on the internet. News through the internet is cheapest for of news and readily available any time (Salwen, 2005). The government of Singapore proposed to regulate the news websites of Singapore with the license and monitoring of those websites regarding content of news that is published on the new website. There could be several consequences of implementing these regulations. The detail of the proposal and arguments are discussed in the later part of this report.


News is the form of information that is used to update regarding occasions and events that are happening at national or global level. Now, news has appeared as strong and powerful source that is approached by masses. Due to advancement in technology and communication, the headline news is available to masses through various sources and in a moment of minutes. These sources include television, radio, news blog, mobile alerts, news paper and internet (Carroll, 2011). However, television news is popular among to the masses as it is widely available to masses, but it is found that news through internet sources is gaining its importance.

It is announced by government of Singapore that from June 2013, licensing will be required for internet news website that will be having significant approach to the public of Singapore. ...
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