Media Challenges

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Media Landscape and the Relationship with the Public

Media Landscape and the Relationship with the Public

Media and Its Context

There are many contextual factors which shape media. People representing any media program usually have a major effect on the content of the program. There can be many reasons for it. For example, a minority group wants media to rightly represent its issues and therefore, will influence its programs. There are many researches, which show that media content is influenced by influential people behind its idea. The creation of idea is influenced by the paradigms of those who are creating it. The program may reflect the perceptions of a particular group. It is required that professional values and, separated from personal values and, the influence of personalities should be elaborated. We can better understand how media producers behave by understanding resource allocation. This is called resource dependence perspective, given by Joseph Turow (1984). Those who have control over essential media resources are most influential for finished products. Many scholars argue that the individual thinking is instead influenced by the social system (Rice, 2011).

The Internet is an interactive audiovisual selective, depending on the product and the audience you are targeting, you can get a valued deal of potential customers. To use this medium, advertisers need to place a website on the net to present their products and services. Then they should promote it (to attract more visitors interested in what they offer), first, placing it among the top search results of the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN) to reach 85% of people use these resources to find things online, and second, putting on other websites (directly or indirectly related to your products or services), one or more of the following advertising: banners, buttons, pop-ups and other text messages, in order to attract as many interested people. The advantages of this method are high selectivity, minimum cost, immediate impact, and interfacial capabilities its main limitations are Public small, relatively low impact to the public from exposure controls.

Goodbye to conventional marketing

Social media have transformed the way businesses operate, and there is no going back. It truly marks an evolution in the marketing industry and this evolution is the biggest of its kind. It has changed the way companies communicate with their consumers. Previously, companies struggled to gain attention of its consumers. Today, the consumers are so active on the social media that they get to know everything about the company, good and bad, whether the company wants it or not. The communication between a business and its customers is now two ways (McDonald, 2004).

Emerging Media

The main idea to innovate and adapt to social conditions that it has formed, seeking to satisfy the ultimate need for communication, entertainment and distraction. The advancement of technology has allowed the media to fill and satisfy the needs of man. Technology is helping the progress of humanity and, the technological revolution leads to fundamental changes that lead to improving the lives of human ...
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