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“A commercialized media is no safeguard against political interference in the media, nor does it guarantee politically neutral journalism”

“A commercialized media is no safeguard against political interference in the media, nor does it guarantee politically neutral journalism”


Today we are living in the media-driven world. It means, media is directly and indirectly influencing our all sections of society. The role of media is so much important and diversified that it is the “Fourth Pillar of the State”. Media not only reflects the society, but it gives power to the people to capture the mind of masses. That is the reason the relationship between the politicians and media has always remained extremely close. It is the politicians who are always finding ways to be on the screen. The politicians have made a large investment in the media industry to largely influence the minds of people. In this way, politicians within very a short span of time become leaders of national stature. In the same way, the journalists and media persons are favouring some politicians in their programs, talk shows, news, documentaries etc. Sometimes they are doing this because of the lust of money and sometimes politicians compel them to do this. Furthermore, the media persons are rolling in all over the world, and they know all the secrets of the political landscape. They misuse the information and other necessary news. In this way, they are doing the devil's job. They are airing the biased programs and inviting the friend politicians in the exclusive programs. The politicians who are in the treasury benches have the more power to interfere the media than those of opposition benches. Politicians have left no stone unturned to capture the power of media, but it is the media which invites them to set the tunes for dancing.


Through the power, politicians are interfering in the media industry. The power in the sense, they have the authority to set the governmental policies regarding the subsidies; censorship and make laws protect the domestic companies from the foreign attacks. In the same way, the treasury benches help them to increase the ratings. It helps them in the long-term business and branding the image of their products in the market. The politicians, who are in power are offering different services. In this way, the politicians who are in the treasury benches have more opportunities to interfere. Those media groups which are maintaining close ties with the government are also enjoying the perks and privileges. They get different awards, rating and less oversight. In return, government faces no any accountability from these groups. These groups then never hurt the interests of partner politicians. In the Malaysia, state has strict control over the media industry. Even, the former Prime Minister could not become news in the media, and he is has no place in the media to participate in any program (Kuok, L.M. 2007). Therefore, it is the state power which creates atmosphere to interfere in the media ...
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