Measurement Health And Safety Performance

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Measurement Health and Safety Performance

Measurement Health and Safety Performance


Measurement is a key element in any management form and process to attain a continuous improvement. Without adopting right method for measurement, the effectiveness of health and safety at workplace cannot achieve. Measurement shows reliable information to the managers in order to check the possibility of controlling health and safety performance. Manager asks for collective information for making sure that arrangement for health and safety is controlling risk is in the workplace and complying with laws and orders for operating effectively. Two basic types of monitoring are involved in health and safety measurement (Lentz & Wenzl, 2006, p. 8).

Active or proactive monitoring

Before going toward wrong, management takes initiatives as a proactive strategy. This aspect of monitoring includes checks and routine inspections for checking policies and standards are implementing and heading in an appropriate way.

Reactive monitoring

After going toward wrong thing, management takes a decision that what can they do. Reactive monitoring involves checking out the historical events for learning from mistakes and check possibilities that what can be place directly to prohibit from recurrence. Measurement of health and safety performance is a crucial part of the management system as production, financial or service delivery management. To achieve Health and safety objectives requires top management to assign accountability-based responsibilities to oversee individual functions within the safety and health management system. The required resources to facilitate the safety and health functions are allocated based on top management's perceived priority and value of safety culture for the organization. Providing the adequate resources is visible action confirming organizational commitment to the health and welfare of employees. As employees' perceptions to health and safety are created from the top down, top management's active and consistent participation is vital to nourish the organizational culture and increase awareness (Schuster, 2008, p. 56).


Chemical plant is an industrial process plant for manufacturing chemicals. The general purpose of manufacturing chemicals is to create new chemicals via transformation and separation of biological and chemical elements. Chemical plants use special units, materials and equipment, and technology in the processes. The operations of a chemical plant include process control, workers, transport and vehicle, maintenance, statutory and regulatory compliance, plant facilities and corrosion and use of new raw material. The health and safety of an employee in a chemical plant is at high risk in comparison to other manufacturing and constructing industries. The reason of high risk is the use of material and transportation of these materials.

The measurement of H&S performance in a chemical plant covers the following criteria and it involves.

1.Selection of Vehicle (for example, visibility, drivers, and access).

2.Maintenance of Vehicle should be in good condition (brakes tire).

3.Fitted seat restraints.

4.Reversing helps are provided.

These are primary outline that has to be followed during measuring the safety and health performance of a plant. While the plant is for chemical purpose, it also includes machinery guarding, separation, use, storage of chemicals and toxic materials, and local exhaust ...
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