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Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information (MCKI)

Table of Contents


Task 13


Type of Data to Achieve the Objective4

Method of Data Gathering6

Task 27

Communication Plan7

Existing Communication Process9

Communication Links with the Stakeholders10

Evaluation of the Communication Skills11

Personal Plan to Improve the Listening Skills12

Task 312

Collection and Dissemination of Information and Areas of Improvement12

Improvement of Information and Knowledge for Employees15



Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information (MCKI)


The Information Society is the framework of the "Smart companies or learning organizations.” It is in these organizations, where a more meaningful proper management of information that deals with corporate communications. However, the competitiveness brought about by the information society requires that the corporate communications take on alternative challenges, different roles and creative strategies. Therefore, it is important to present the connection between corporate communication and knowledge management -oriented approach that organizations increase their organizational knowledge and exploit it to gain greater competitiveness. To do this, communication in organizations should be able to respond effectively to supplementary questions: What knowledge needs to obtain an advantage competitive? How can one keep that knowledge outside the labour mobility? How is it generated and transferred through actions and communication strategies? What should ultimately a business does to learn, retain and reuse knowledge and organization and to be competitive in the knowledge society? For the estimation of business transformation achieved by management knowledge, business needs effective communication strategies to recognize the direct relationship between the strategic information management through the means for collaboration and sharing of knowledge and the creation of organizational knowledge (Moore, 2007, 124). The Communication is the basis for the dissemination and reuse of knowledge. Knowledge gained utilizes to produce new knowledge and apply both to the development and solving business problems around. This concept revolutionized the business world and has been used in other disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and cognitive psychology. Its implementation will be a reality in the coming years and today it is already taken into consideration. The benefits are involved in their development and adaptation to an increasingly competitive market. Keeping in view these concepts, the paper discusses the knowledge management and communication function of Dell. It discusses the objectives that fulfil through an effective communication management system.

Task 1


The organization chosen for this paper is Dell. Dell aims to increase the market share by 65% as compared to the share of the preceding year. This objective is related to the efforts in response to the aggressive competition that the personal computer market in facing, the market share will be an increase through innovation in the designs and the increase in the communication activities (Canary, 2010, 212). The primary objective is to increase its share market and its profitability in the Personal computer system. Product manager must prepare a plan to improve online retail. The current profit target is fixed at 18 million Dollar and the sales target at 180 million, representing an increase of 9 percent over the past year. It is expected that this increase is achieved through improved in pricing, advertising and ...
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