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Managing Communication, Knowledge and Information

Task 1 - Information and knowledge needs (LO1)


The end of the 20th century glimpsed financial boundaries between nations crumble, as enterprises became more complex, international, and knowledge propeln. Managers needed to double-check that their company's relentlessly innovated and advanced in alignment to achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive edge. In detail Porter (1985) best features that it is this competitive proficiency which is advised to be at the centre of the achievement or malfunction of a firm. Managers appreciated that if their businesses are to endure in this dynamic and unsure natural environment, they have to make decisions concerning new business possibilities, goods, customers, suppliers, markets, and technical expansion very quickly. They furthermore have to be aware of what heritage" factors provided other firms the comparable edge. The position in the metropolitan town of Singapore in Southeast Asia was no different. The Singapore enterprise Trends Report, 1996 indicates that the country desires to move the mainstay of the economy to high value-added undertakings in alignment to capitalize on the emergence of the knowledge-based finances and conceive a technical base from which to evolve new industries. The report further proposes that to competently contend in the 21st century, organisations in Singapore need to construct a capacity for discovering in employees.


This study aspires to provide an insight into the behavioural patterns of Singapore's managers as data users and determine if these patterns are similar to that of their equivalent in other nations, as granted in the publications, or if it disagrees, in what ways. Ainformation of what data is needed on a normal basis for conclusion making reasons, how it is sought and used, and the fondness for causes would supply an suggestion not only of the information-seeking behavioural patterns of managers but also supply an insight into why pertinent data may not be utilised. Furthermore a better comprehending of the manager's information searching behaviour, needs and insights would furthermore help enterprise data providers enhance living goods and services as well as evolve new goods and services. Ready accessibility to data and data and strategic use of data and knowledge would permit Singapore's managers to be better decision-makers and lead their organisations to accomplish that much sought-after comparable edge.

1b) Identify the types and sources of data and information required to enable the objective to be achieved.

Cyert et al., (1956) suggest that administration is a series of decision making methods and claim that decision making is at the heart of executive undertaking in business. But conclusions need to be made very quick, particularly in the current context where the most prized and least manageable commodity available to managers is time . Hales (1986) recognises study investigations conducted over a time span of thirty years which pattern the foremost source of clues of what managers do and show that only the seminal work of Mintzberg (1973) encompasses 'informational' as one of the managerial functions. The dataal function incorporates supervising, filtering and disseminating data as widespread, if not ...
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