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McDonalds is an organization which provides food services all over the globe. The organization operates in 119 countries by serving a consumer base of approximately 68 million daily. The headquarters of McDonalds are located in Oak Brook, Illinois, U.S. with outlets in almost every state. McDonalds is tackling up with issues in the Human Resource department in order to get the objective of its strategic planning. All the issues being faced by McDonalds are still relevant. The overall analysis of the case is resulted in leaving behind the facts of hiring efficient workforce for functioning of Human Resource Development programs at McDonalds. The economical crisis all over the globe is also affecting the human resource of the brand. The brand is struggling due to the struggle of the United States and is cutting jobs with the closure of various outlets around the globe. The main purpose of the study is to assess the work processes and the key personnel to be addressed for dealing with the human resource issues. The aim is to hire and effective work force that serve the organizational objectives. There is also a discussion on the organizational changes that will be faced while meeting the strategic challenges, including the futuristic approach. This process would require a work force with certain skills, knowledge level and appropriate abilities. The organization has also focused on a compensation system to retain employees which have reflection on the market conditions.

Thesis Statement

McDonalds is facing various issues with the human resource functions. The organization has developed various strategies to hire effective workforce for the human resource development functions. In tackling up with these issues the organization has to go through various challenges.


The main task of McDonalds is to hire efficient labor to achieve the organizational objectives under its strategic planning. The company needs to select efficient work force to overcome the human resource issues. The human resource recruitment is mainly a concern of the senior management and the senior human resource executives. The approach of McDonalds is the retention of the key employees. The key employees to be addressed in the process are the one directly associated with the recruitment functions. McDonalds has been well known with its effective brands image. The main issue affecting its process is the economical crisis (Wilson, 2004). The reason is to get the desired and effective work force in the organization. The initiatives taken by McDonalds can improve its work processes by the implementation of such effective strategies. This can result with an improved selection criteria and a succession plan. The strategy development is in order to forecast the desired workforce along with the identification of critical skills.


McDonalds has organized strategies to cope up with the issues that it has been facing with the work force of the organization. The employment opportunities in McDonalds are an attraction for the labor force. It has formulated competitive strategies about the human resource development. McDonalds is focused on providing better taste to its consumers with more ...
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