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McDonalds is the largest fast food chain with a prestige to serve around 69 million people in 119 countries all over the globe. The headquarters of the brand are in Illinois, United States of America. The brand started in the year 1940 and caters a diverse food range. McDonalds works on a strategy to adopt the culture according to the country it operates in, and is the leading food service retailer. The brand has around 34000 outlets all over the globe, and is still expanding with a rapid pace. A huge percentage of restaurants all over the globe are owned by local and independent men and women. McDonalds is a powerful organization with a vision to intake talented and committed human resource personnel (Kroc & Anderson, 1992).

Organizational Problems

Enterprise Resource Planning is an ideal approach to synchronize and modify various organizational processes and operations. The strategy adopted by McDonalds was an effective one, but before the implementation of the enterprise resource planning the organization was facing various problems. The company was lacking behind in the domain of information technology. There were various processes that were being operated manually, and ultimately things were more time consuming, which was ultimately at times leading to the deficiency of the brand's productivity. One of the biggest features of the brand is the home delivery service. Before the implementation of the enterprise resource planning system the brand was facing various hazards in this particular area. It was difficult for the managers to manage the processes successfully. Since, the brand has been continuously expanding; therefore there has been more need for human resource, more need for recruitment processes, and various other features. Such expansions in the brand were making the processes more complicated, due to which it was becoming more and more difficult for McDonalds to effectively manage its work processes. The brand was trapped into multiple challenges before the implementation of the ERP system. The main concern was customer satisfaction. In that era, McDonalds was coming up to be the worst company in terms of customer service. McDonald's was considered to be the most awful company for the domain of customer satisfaction in United States of America for around a decade (Vignali, 2001).

A franchisee standard of monitoring, the company had no structure for monitoring principles, so as to keep away from problem with the franchisees. Investor relations in McDonald have spitted cost which underperformed for several years in the country. Investors needed a better organization and area to invest in and comparatively McDonalds was failing to achieve this particular task. As a substitute of aggressive growth, investors desire the corporation to think on the productivity of obtainable stores, namely The Economist, 2001. The Economist also came up with the outcomes that the brand was failing to maintain a positive image. Changing consumer consumption habits, “The world has changed”. The expansion of the corporation no longer aimed to be better than everyone else in the fast food chain industry, now ...
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