Mba Service Marketing

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MBA Service Marketing



Role of Employee in Service5

Employee Involvement Affect Service Delivery and Quality6

Talented Employees and Service Quality7

Employee Satisfaction and Service Quality8

Front-line Employee Role in Service Quality and Delivery8

Employee Influence on Quality Service10

Ways of enhancing Employee Performance to Improve Service Quality12



MBA Service Marketing


One of the key objectives of all business firms is to remain competitive so as to able to create a service or product that is useful to customers, promote the community stability, and offer employee satisfaction including growth for its employees. In this context, employees within the organization, especially service businesses where employees comes in contact with employees on a frequent basis as they are representatives of service or product, as well as the organization at that point of contact. Satisfaction and quality service rendered that customers can draw from an assessment of overall service experience. Employees who are motivated and empowered in a company can either negative or positive representation to the customers. Thus, employee and customer satisfaction are imperative to the organization. It is the responsibility of the management to design a system that might eventually result in satisfaction of employees and customers. Employees have a key role in defining the service experience of customers and their level of satisfaction with service as they are the ones who provide better solutions.

This paper examines the role of employees in service delivery, service quality and service evaluation, and how employees determine and affect the quality and customers' evaluation of the service. In addition, identify ways in which companies can enhance employee performance to improve service delivery and quality, such as motivation, empowerment and training to exploit talent, commitment and performance of employees.


Service marketing studies have outlined three very important characteristics of service, which include heterogeneity, inseparability and intangibility that highlight the human element of service consumption and delivery. These attributes make it difficult for customers to assess the service delivery without concrete attributes of the product. As assessment remains no longer objective, customers are probable to devise more on the overall experience of consumption, which includes how service is delivered and what service is delivered, when evaluating service quality and satisfaction. Nowadays, customers look for a complete experience that require employees to project positive and helpful behavior and attitudes while making contact with the customer, can has an effect on their process of evaluation (Jayawardhena, et al. 2008, pp.1-38).

A study suggests that customers evaluate an organization's overall quality of service on five principal dimensions that are empathy, assurance, responsiveness, reliability and tangibles. This study measures service quality by providing comparison of customers' perceptions of a service organization's performance with their expectations of how organization must perform in relation to five dimensions of service. Findings revealed the significance of personal interaction between the employee and customers in realizing service satisfaction. Empathy, assurance and responsiveness are strongly and in direct relationship with the interactive nature of services. Moreover, service reliability often based on employee performance. If employees associated with service delivery fall short in delivering expected level ...
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