Mathematical Investigations And Discussions For Primary Education

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Mathematical Investigations and Discussions for primary education

Mathematical Investigations and Discussions for primary education

Section 1 - Measurement

The volume is what a body in space is and capacity that fits the body whereas the capacity of a container or object is the amount of volume that fits within that container is the mass volume and body size. For example, in an arena which does not enter more than 5 million people, the ability of the stadium 5000 people would. Conceptually there is no significant difference in both the terminologies, but the volume of a body is the body's ability to contain something, whether solid, liquid or gas. For example, a measurement box 1m x 1m x 1m has a storage capacity of 1 m3 of sand (solid) or 1 m3 of liquid (water) or 1 m3 of air (gas) Writing is soda bottles. Another example is that we have a pool of 4m long, 2m wide and 1m deep will 8m3 volumes, which becomes its size and space. Whereas capacity is the amount of liquid that can be contained within, which may or may not coincide with its volume i.e. for example, a one liter bottle of milk, closed occupies a volume of 1 dm3, because the thickness of the material with which it is done is minimal and can be neglected. But the thickness of a glass bottle with a capacity of one liter has a volume greater than a cubic decimeter.

Further Basic Examples

The water tank of a school has 10 m³ volumes that is, its capacity is 10,000 liters of storage.

A carton of long life milk has 1 cubic decimeter volume, and then we say that its capacity is 1 liter.

It is important to remember that the measure of capacity 1 liter equals 1000 milliliters (ml).

Section 3 - Addition and Subtraction

The basic concept of addition and subtraction requires the following sequential strategies that certainly help while applying mathematical and solving problems:

Sum of two related (writing with brackets)

Sum of several related (writing with brackets)

Difference of two related (writing with brackets)

Suites additions and subtractions (writing with brackets)

Calculations without parentheses

Remove brackets

Suites calculations

From a literal phrase


The difference between two numbers is the number to add to the one for the other. Example: The difference 7-2 is the number to be added to 2 for 7. 7-2 = 5 means that 2 + 5 = 7 In addition, it can match two subtractions. The subtraction is one of the basic ...
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