Maternity Leave In A Criminal Justice Workplace

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Maternity Leave in a Criminal Justice Workplace

Maternity Leave in a Criminal Justice Workplace


I have studied several cases associated with maternity leave at criminal justice workplace I identified that workplace hazards can affect pregnancy significantly in early stage; however it is important to think about the health of women at workplace.

According to law an employer, as part of their normal risk assessment must consider if any work is likely to present a particular risk to pregnant women. However women should inform her employer about her pregnancy as early as possible so that they can identify if any further actions are needed.

Employees, who used the birth of at least 14 weeks' maternity leave, shall be entitled to cancel the remainder of the holiday. In that case, the unused portion of maternity leave granted to the employee for raising a child, upon written request. An employee is required to notify the employer in writing a proposal for the resignation of maternity leave, at least 7 days before starting work. The application should be accompanied by a certificate of an employer-employee father raising a child, which confirms the date of commencement of maternity leave by an employee immediately following the date of resignation of maternity leave by the employee.

Data Analysis

After giving the employee birth maternity leave of 8 weeks, the father raising a child is entitled to maternity leave equivalent to the period during which the worker entitled to annual leave required hospital care due to health that it cannot provide personal care for a child. For this holiday maternity staff interrupted the period in which the employee is using the leave-father raising a child. Total maternity leave in the indicated circumstances may not exceed the dimension referred.

In case of death of employees during maternity leave, the father raising a child is entitled to the unused portion of the vacation.

In the case of stillbirth or the death of a child before the age of 8 weeks, the employee is entitled leave maternity of 8 weeks after birth, but not less than a period of seven days from the date of death of the child. Employees, who gave birth to more than one child at one time, in this case, are entitled to leave due to maternity dimension to the number of surviving children. However, if a child dies after 8 weeks of age, the employee retains the right to maternity leave for a period of 7 days from the date of death of the child (Tierney 1988).


In case of birth of a child requiring hospital care worker who used the 8 weeks postpartum maternity leave, the remainder of the leave at a later date, after the child from the hospital.

If the mother chooses to raise a child and gives it to another person for the purpose of adoption or the home of a small child is not entitled to a part of the maternity leave after giving attributable to the child. However, leave the maternity postpartum cannot be less than 8 ...
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