Mass Media And Theory

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Mass Media and Theory


The aim of this essay is to discuss the favorite form of media television and analyze it. On the television media, my favorite show is “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. Oprah Gail Winfrey is a television presenter and actress from United States. I believe that the success of a leader depends on his or her ability to influence people and inspires them to achieve a common objective. Oprah Winfrey is one of the prime examples of an effective leader. An effective leader is the one who is able to accomplish various challenging tasks, have an ability to manage resources and have the confidence to communicate the followers in an effective way.

From the beginning of her career, Winfrey has shown a strong charisma of communication. In 1986, her talk show “Oprah Winfrey Show” (later shortened to Oprah) makes her debut on the national networks. Initially designed with a traditional cut, the show was soon transformed by the strong personality of the conductor into an opportunity to draw public attention to social issues. This show has become a cult for millions of Americans (Sherry, pp. 17).

Discussion and Analysis

The Oprah Winfrey Show has affected my personality in various terms. Oprah and her program have acquired the nature of opinion-forming. The program discussed issues including abuse and sexual exploitation of children. I believe that Oprah is the first show to publicize concealing sexual crimes of Catholic priests in the United States. She denounced the government's ineffective strategy in combating drug abuse and its prevalence among adults. In 1996, after her speech related to "Mad cow disease”, she claimed that from now on she would not touch a hamburger. As a result of this publicity, beef sales and prices have started to fall dramatically. Breeders of cattle from Texas challenged Oprah to court for causing loss of breeding. They considered that the Oprah viewers followed her footsteps and stop mass consumption of beef, which is usually consumed in the form hamburger.

I perceive that Oprah definitely has a sensitivity and passion for what he does. It is a human woman with a big heart. It deals to inspire and ensure the quality of life of their work teams who daily support the professionalism that characterizes it. Winfrey has interviewed a large number of politicians and people notorious for twenty years. In the early seasons of the show, rather that offering a simple publicity platform, it invites a celebrity has been a subject of intense media (Elwood, pp. 6).

I perceive that Opera has a very extrovert personality so she easily influences the people who had complicated personalities. She won no less than 9 Media Awards as best talk-show for addressing social issues. Oprah Winfrey also directly addressed issues and topics related to sexual violence, drugs, family problems etc. In November 2009, Oprah announced to her viewers that the next season of the show would be the last, after twenty-five years. The final episode was broadcast on September 9, 2011. In October 2011, the ...
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