Marriage Through The Decades

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Marriage Through The Decades

Marriage Through the Decades


Marriage is one of the most important institutions in human life. Many of the intellectual philosophies through out the period of time have had rated marriage as the primary base of mankind. There are many characteristics in the subject of marriage as a whole and there are certain types that define the categories. But, all together there are agents of social change in the dynamics of marriage that change its social setting accordingly. In the 20th century, diversity in the institution of marriage is adopted through out which can result in different types of marriage unions. During the decades, sociologists have witnessed that the shift in the attitude of marriage has changed dramatically and singles more want to stay unmarried rather than the desperation of need in getting married in the early centuries. New options are arranged in the social manner without gender differences and the invasion of marriage is invaded by personal and short-term relationships (Barich & Belby, 1996).

The short term relationships fulfill all the basic needs that were only assumed to be having fulfilled by getting into the bond of marriage. Marriage in history of events had an ordinary definition as the unification of two individuals (male and female) usually, coming together with their religion, gender, race, belief, sexual identity etc. Nowadays, there are various expectations from the marriage or kinship partners and differences can be felt in the ideas that are carried by people after which, marriage becomes a possibility in this era (Barich & Belby, 1996). Previously, marriage could be stratified and the acceptance of two individuals in getting married and staying together whereas, breeding was a possible desire to be fulfilled under the shadow of marriage.


The Change In Attitude Towards Marriage

It was the early 20th century when the concept of same sex marriage became famously introduced in the American culture. The psychology of human mind is well studied in relation to the significant presence of different types of marriage and the behavioral attitudes related with it. Textually, Polygyny, polyandry and monogamy were the traditional types of marriage that were performed under numerous religious and cultural customs (Case & Stewart, 2010). It does not occurred to social thinkers that homosexual behaviors was a birth of this era but there are certainly traces towards the ancient civilizations that this concept was under practice eventually.

Marriage is more professionally adopted if it is reviewed within the past decades that events are taking place in accordance to gay marriages across United States (Case & Stewart, 2010). Gay marriages are allowed now in more number of states which is rather a conventional behavior in front of some school of thoughts. In order to understand the elements and attitudes of marriage, a thoughtful consideration of examining attitudes should be assessed. Along with the current situation, human sexual behaviors are utilized which with the help of chains of experiments results that homosexual marriage are more successful than the traditional setting of ...
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