Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Strategy for Bus Service


Summary of Case1


Importance of Marketing Strategy1

Market Segments for the Proposed Business3

Steps for Building a Marketing Strategy5



Marketing Communication6



Customer Service7

4 P's of Marketing Mix8





Ways in which Marketing Strategy shows that Business is subsidized10



Marketing Strategy for Bus Service


Summary of Case

A special partnership has been built between Midshire District Council and the Alpha Trust which is a not-for-profit organization which is focused on providing flexible, effective and efficient transport service to the elderly. In this council there are two small towns in the rural area which served poorly with the public transport and also have a more than average proportion of the pensioners who make up the local community. It has been seen that this proportion will continue to rise in the foreseeable future. When the intention to withdraw was announced by the last operator of local bus, a research was conducted by Alpha Trust for the transportation of the elderly in the area. The support in terms of partnership has also been obtained through the local employer. The main idea is to introduce a small minibuses fleet with the staff who has volunteered to respond flexibly to the contact requests made online, at the bus stop and telephone.

In this assignment, the appropriate marketing strategy has been developed which will explain the 4 P's of the marketing mix in the proposed business. This will help in determining the method through which proper promotional campaign will be conducted.


Importance of Marketing Strategy

The success of every business is based on its marketing. Most of the aspects of the joint venture for the proposed bus service will be based on a successful marketing. Marketing consists of sales, promotions, public relation and advertising. Marketing is considered to be the process in which a service or product is both introduced and promoted to the potential customers (Lake, n.d.). Therefore, in the absence of marketing, the joint venture for bus service might offer the best services but the potential customers will not know about it (Lorette, n.d.).

In order to ensure the success of joint venture, it is important for the service to be known by the potential customers. The absence of marketing will lead to the business being unaware of the proposed bus service and this joint venture might have the opportunity to succeed. When marketing is used for promoting the product or service, this provides a chance of being discovered by the prospective customers (Lorette, n.d.).

The bus service will become more successful when the prospect customers will be aware of the services as it increases the chances of the customer availing the bus service. Through this awareness, the customers will also spread the world regarding the bus service.

As the success of a business also depends on the solid reputation, it is important to build marketing around that company. The Midshire District Council is known by every individual living in the two towns therefore; in marketing it is important to highlight this while marketing to ensure the success of the ...
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