Nestle is a reputed name in the coffee market, being the most sought brand name in Coffee. It has a powerful brand image globally. Its coffee brand Nescafe generates high brand equity globally. Its competitors have been declining (Nestle Egypt, 2012).
Nestle has made a profitable market for itself in Egypt. It has a large base of clientele in Egypt. The essence of operations at Nestle is its quality conscious processes. Coffee lovers enjoy a long term association with Nescafe. Whenever they want to have coffee, the first name comes to their mind is of Nescafe. Nestle enjoys a global outreach through its coffee brand Nescafe. Additionally the quality of coffee enhances the customer views about Nestle.
The Importance of Innovation is beginning to show in the current practices of World Class Organizations. There is a significant relationship between innovation and economic growth. Realizing this fact, Nestle founded the concept of open innovation. It boasts of a bunch of employees who bring an innovative approach to work. Innovation depends on person to person.
Since each person has his own personality, that's why he would have different concepts of innovation. Innovation relates to the application of new technologies and processes to augment the competitive advantage. As far as consumer food industry is concerned, innovation can be done by increasing customer value through enhanced product inherent features. It can be gauged from various factors. In general, efficient innovation is the process of finding and applying new solutions to old problems (Traitler, n.d).
The key to success for Nestle has been its ability to diversify. It has not focused on one single product. It has also focused upon the other FMCG products. It not only specializes in Coffee but in all other fast moving consumer goods as well. We will look at Nestlé's expansion into china. China forms a lucrative market for Nestle. It has great potential for Nestle. A look at the issues concerning the entry into China would help us for a successful entry.
A thorough international marketing analysis is presented for a clear guideline. It will help not only to enter the new market but also maintain our successful presence in the new market.
Market Selection
It is very important to conduct research when we want to enter a new market. A lot of issues are at stake. We should know what type of needs our target market desires. Proper research and analysis would help us better satisfy our customers. It's not necessary that our customers across diverse markets would have the same needs. Every person is different and thus has different needs.
The potential market which we are going to consider is China. It has been observed that china has the potential for rapid growth. There are a lot of coffee lovers in ...