Marketing Research Proposal

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Marketing Research Proposal



1.1 Overview of the topic1

1.2 Statement of the Problem2

1.3 Research Questions2

1.4 Significance of the Study2


2.1 Overview of the Hotels3

2.2 Factors of Customer Satisfaction of Hotel Service4

2.3 Importance of Service Quality Measurement in Hotels5

2.4 The role of other factors for Hotel Industry6


3.1 Overview of the Research Methods9

3.2 Sampling Size9

3.3 Research Hypothesis10

3.4 Instruments for Data Collection10

3.5 Ethical Concerns for the Research10



1.1 Overview of the topic

In past twenty years, benefiting from a fast-growing economy and expanding domestic travel market, the countries' hospitality industry has experienced significant development. Numerous hotels across different levels and types have thrived throughout the country. Several renowned domestic chains have become well established during that the time. In the next five years, 200 thousand more lodging facilities, including more than 10 thousand graded hotels, will be built in different parts of the country. Under such competitive circumstances, the ability to attract and retain loyal consumers becomes essential to the survival of hotels. To generate customer loyalty, hotels must consistently provide satisfactory service quality to their guests.

Customer feedback is important for hotels to assess service quality. Presently, with the assistance of advancing information technology, hotel consumers easily can share positive and negative comments and exchange opinions of personal hotel experiences on consumer generated media (CGM), which includes various forms of online communications such as customer review sites, blogs, social network sites, and discussion forums. This new electronic form of word-of-mouth (WOM) is becoming increasingly powerful for its creation and worldwide propagation of user-generated comments (UGC) (i.e. online hotel review). Such comments are valued as trustworthy and impartial sources for hotel information that have significant impact on hotel image, customer relationships, and consumer decision-making. Researchers have suggested that hoteliers should proactively attach importance to UGC and develop appropriate strategies to understand customer perceptions, as well as but also maintain positive hotel reputation and harmonious relationships with current and potential consumers. Therefore, all the issues related to Marketing Research Proposal will be discussed in detail.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The major objective of the research is to understand the business impact of including a free buffet style continental breakfast for a national value priced chain hotel.

1.3 Research Questions

The research questions for the study are:

Q1- What is the importance of the free buffet style continental breakfast?

Q2- How often it is necessary to keep the free buffet style continental breakfast?

Q3- What kind of items must be included in the buffet style continental breakfast?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is quite high because of the high value of free buffet style continental breakfast. The implementation of the free buffet style continental breakfast will prove to be quite useful for the national value priced chain hotel. This will increase the customer base of the restaurant and will also help in improving the image of the hotel. The main topic in this study is is to understand the business impact of including a free buffet style continental breakfast for a national value ...
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