Marketing Principles

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Marketing Principles

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Elements of the marketing process1

Cost and benefit of a marketing orientation for Apple4

Macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing decisions5

Segmentation of Apple Products iPhone and iPod7

Targeting strategy for iPhone and iPod8

Buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in different buying situations9

New positioning Strategy for iPhone and iPod10

Products developed to sustain competitive advantage10

Distribution arrangements to provide customer convenience11

Prices reflect an organisation's objectives and market conditions11

Promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives12

Additional elements of the extended marketing mix12

Marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets13

Illustrations of differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers15

Difference between international marketing and domestic marketing15


Marketing Principles


The success of organisation is based on the marketing activities. Marketing has become a significant function and is not considered separate as it requires working closely with other functions. The synergy and integration of business activities enables the organisations to provide value to the ultimate consumer. In this assignment we will study the marketing process and benefit and cost of marketing orientation with the illustration of Apple Inc.

Further, the influence of the marketing environment on decisions, and the segmentation, targeting and positioning of Apple products. Moreover, the marketing mix its importance and implications on Apple products. In the end the difference in business and consumer markets, and factors to be considered when doing business internationally and domestically.


Task 1

Elements of the marketing process

Marketing is a series of business activities developed to price, place and promote the value in terms of products or services to consumers or businesses, to achieve the organisational objectives. Marketing concept is a philosophy which states that the customer satisfaction through value exchange is the economic and social purpose of the firm's existence (Craven & Piercy, 2009, p.n.d.). The marketing process is a series of step which includes analysing the situation, formulating marketing strategy, deciding marketing mix and implementing and controlling the marketing plan

1.Analysing the situation

The situation analysis is done by the organisations to search any opportunity which lies internally or externally. The opportunities are present within the organisations which are sometimes underutilized or not considered such as human resource, more production capacity or the latest technology. The external opportunities involve the future needs of consumers and the enabling environment of the industry in which organisation is operating. The enabling environment allows conducting research and development and provides full support.

The top management at Apple conducted the market analysis and at the time when they developed and designed the computers and software here was no other competitor doing the same. They grabbed the market opportunity through innovation. Innovation and creativity have been the platform for Apple to develop such products which no other competitors have developed.

2.Formulating Marketing Strategy

The opportunity identified will be of no use if it does not have consumers who want and desire such products. The organisations either develop a product or market it, or they identify the appropriate need and futures wants of consumers and then design the product. The market strategy formulation involves identifying the target market, segmenting and positioning ...
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