Marketing Principles

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Marketing Principles

Marketing Principles

Q1. What employment need did you locate in the SimVenture Company, why?

After analysing the market situation of SimVenture Company, it can be claimed that the company needs to hire virtual employees, because virtual employees are cost-effective. Company do not need to provide them accommodation and they save the cost of utility bills.

Q2. What attributes did you specify for your employee, why?

There are five attributes that I find the best and brightest employees of my organization, those people which my company need to attract and maintain.

It is essential that employees remain curious about the products of the company.

One must have a genuine interest in discussions with buyers about what they like, dislikes and how they use the products.

Employees must understand customer needs.

Employee should look maintain the long term approach towards company.

Employees must have specialized skills or knowledge without losing a broad perspective of things.

Q3. Which candidate did you select to employ, why?

SimVenture Company needs to hire virtual employees, in order to expand the horizon of their business. A virtual employee is a ghost. There are many people who don't know the meaning of virtual part-time employees. According to them, "if a person is not physically present, he/she is a ghost."A virtual employee at SimVenture will offer professional, administrative, technical as well as creative virtual assistant services to the clients all over the world from a remote area. (Here, virtually means not physically present). Now, SimVenture can delegate their work to the other person at low-hourly rates. A virtual (part-time) employee saves time, money and labour.

Q4. Discuss the challenges a company faces when trying to recruit 'the right' candidate for a given role.

The rate of unemployment in the area, the conditions of the company, abundance or scarcity in the supply of personnel, changes in legislation work and recruitment activities of other companies included in the task of obtaining a group of applicants for a given occupation. Although these factors are included in the planning of human resources, economic conditions often change rapidly.

Q1. What issue have you detected from the company's financial accounts?

After analyzing the company's financial accounts, it has detected that company's overhead expenses are increasing. These are expenditure which cannot be charge directly to any job, operation or process, may be called overhead. Thus, overhead indicates indirect expenditure of any kind. It includes indirect materials, indirect wages and indirect expenses.

Q2. Why have you come to the conclusion that this problem is stopping the company from succeeding?

Overhead costs include costs of management, administration, IT, marketing, sales, HR, facilities management, costs for the accountant and tax lawyer, the lawyer, leasing costs, energy and communication costs, insurances, as well as capital costs (interest), etc. They are, in short, all costs or for the non-core activities of the company. It is a remarkable and diverse collection of large and small items, but together they are often a formidable sum, which is an important part of the cost thereof. However, they are both necessary and often unavoidable ...
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