Marketing Planning

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Marketing Planning

Marketing Planning


The marketing plan includes a task and a set of tangible actions necessary to implement them. From a company perspective, marketing plan is considered as an integral part of the organization because whole organization focusing on the efforts of marketing department and it is because of the marketing plan that engage customers with the orgnaiztaion. It takes the form of a written document (or project), which is designed to implement and control. In terms of the substantive plan includes marketing strategy and how it related to implementation and on the basis of these factors, further factors are highlighted for dicussion, such as:

Components of the marketing mix and how to use them in the target market them at a time,

Company resources (acting as an expense in cross-quarters or months) required to implement the strategy,

The expected results (e.g. costs, sales and profit quarterly or on monthly basis).

The marketing plan includes control procedures that allow capture deviations from assumptions [e.g., comparing actual sales with sales expected] (Riley, 2012).


Marketing Planning

Planning is ongoing process to make decisions about future actions. Also, run by marketing should be a planned activity. Marketing planning helps to avoid pointless and erroneous actions and use these resources as efficiently as possible and thought. Correct process of sales and marketing management in the company is a systematic identification of market opportunities, which is the company, the selection of one of them or more of them, and then to determine the detailed plan and timetable and costs of these options so that it was possible to achieve the objectives of the company. This process is just as marketing planning.

The concept of marketing planning process consists of assessing the situation, the formulation of basic principles, setting goals as to what and who is to be sold, to decide how these objectives would be achieved and determine the detailed schedule and the costs of the actions necessary to implement the plan.

It is recommended that companies develop strategic plans primarily its business, in which, inter alia, and determine its overall mission (Bourne Mouth, n.d.). The strategic plan covers a period of 3 - 5 years, and more are included in the factors which the company its environment. On this basis it is possible to predict the chance of appropriate early and threats to the company and making the appropriate adjustment. The strategic plans are translated into annual operational marketing plans and other plans - for each of the company's corporate, product and brand. The implementation of these plans and marketing strategy should lead to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the company. Under no circumstances should the development of the annual plan first, and then to determine it on the basis of the company's strategy.

Every establishment must develop your own plan of action, including marketing plan. If a business unit is engaged in a variety of products or segments of consumers, distinct marketing plans may include plans for products, plans, or plans ...
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