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Marketing Plan


Second Life (SL) is a virtual world evolved by Linden Lab commenced on June 23, 2003, and is accessible on the Internet. Afree purchaser program called the Viewer endows its users, called Residents, to combine with each other through avatars. inhabitants can explore, meet other inhabitants, socialize, participate in individual and assembly undertakings, and create and trade virtual house and services with one another, or journey all through the world (which inhabitants refer to as "the grid"). Second Life is for people aged 18 and over, while Teen Second Life is for people elderly 13 to 17.

Built into the programs is a three-dimensional modeling device based round simple geometric forms that allows a inhabitant to build virtual objects. This can be used in blend with the Linden Scripting dialect which can be utilised to add functionality to objects. More complex three-dimensional sculpted prims (colloquially renowned as "sculpties"), textures for apparel or other objects, and animations and gestures can be created using external software. The Second Life Terms of Service provide that users retain copyright for any content they create, and the server and client supply simple digital privileges administration functions.

Market Definition

In Second Life, there are two age-differentiated grids (one is for teens 13-17; one is for mature persons 18 or over). When a teen turns 18, he/she is transferred from the Teen Grid to the major Grid. Linden Lab has obtained argument for the lack of integration between teens and adults. Some parents dispute that they cannot be on the grid simultaneously with their teenage children, and businesses will not market to both teens and adults in SL even if their products have universal appeal. Teen grid inhabitants have voiced out in favor of merging the two grids with certain limitations to defend minors from mature person content and killers on the main grid. This grid merge is widely sustained by teen grid residents, although some furthermore fight against it. It should be documented that the majority of those on the Teen Grid who oppose amalgamation would desire a separate "Teen Only" locality, much like the recently-created "Adult" mainland in Second Life. Linden Lab employees (known as "Lindens") have also been in favor of amalgamating the grids, most notably azure Linden, former teen grid manager.

The teen grid and the adult grid actually are technically parts of one grid called Agni. (Some of the Second Life grids are named after Hindu gods.) although, teen residents cannot access the mature person districts, and mature person residents will not get access to the teen regions.

On 19 January 2009 Linden Lab, Philip Linden related (in an interview with Metanomics) intent to merge the two grids into one. This directly attracted uproar on SL's personal forums, mostly from inhabitants who dreaded they would be needed to use the unpopular age verification scheme, and would be permanently under threat of a untrue sex-related accusation or lawsuit by a teenager or his/her parents.

Target Customer

Linden Lab supplies authorized viewers for XP / Vista / 7, Mac ...
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