Marketing Plan

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Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan


A marketing plan is presented with the goal of stimulating demand for the brand British Share Bank (ONLINE-BANK), by positioning the brand as a quality offering to licensed investment advisers within UK.

Situational Analysis

Research shows that most little to medium advisers are acutely aware of the possibilities offered by the Internet for providing customer service, but need the information or motivation to develop systems to consign their services over the Internet. ONLINE-BANK is an Internet based business engaged in the provision of client portfolio management services for financial and investment advisers.

Individual participation in the share market has expanded spectacularly in latest years, from nine percent of the adult community in 1991 to nearly half in 1999 (English, 2000). This is due largely to an progressively complicated and aging community, who are enjoying the benefits of compulsory superannuation savings. To rendezvous this demand there has been a expansion of fiercely comparable, Internet based swapping schemes that have redefined the way securities are traded.

However, it has become clear-cut that investors demand the flexibility of being adept to organise their financial activities and the security of professional unaligned advice from economic advisory and wealth administration specialists. British Share Bank (ONLINE-BANK) satisfies both those needs.

Why British Share Bank?

Range of options

Personalized service

Affordable pricing


Good Customer Service

Low interest rates ( minimum @ 9%)

SWOT Analysis

British Share Bank (ONLINE-BANK) is an Internet based investment portfolio management service, that aims to provide analytical tools that aid the investment decisions and reporting tools that satisfy the accounting and taxation requirements of investors in securities. Although the end client of this service is the individual shareholder, the purpose and niche of this service is to supply a means for 'traditional' investment advisers and economic planners to consign Internet services to their client base.

Therefore the goal market consists of permitted advisers, with an established purchaser base who are experienced in supplying advice but are inexperienced in providing that advice electronically. ONLINE-BANK provides advisers with a mechanism to operate 'virtually' on a 24×7 basis, empowering their clients with self-management functions, whilst enabling the adviser to focus on providing the 'advice' they specialise in and most importantly, to remain competitive in an increasingly sophisticated market. As such, ONLINE-BANK provides two broad functions:

·simplified administration of a client's portfolio and the provision of account administration and reconciliation services to advisers, suitable for meeting accounting and taxation obligations.

· Centralised maintenance of price history for all shares and managed funds traded on the UKn Stock Exchange (ASX) and the provision of analytical tools to analyse a products relative performance.

Marketing Research

The ONLINE-BANK concept was devised by an established and well-respected financial advisory firm, Hayse Sterling and has been sponsored by the firm's director, Brian Nash. The ONLINE-BANK marketing objective is to redefine how Hayes Sterling conducts its business, as well as generate a significant increase in company profits, whilst reducing operating costs.

To build on the jargon of eCommerce, this project can be considered a 'B2B2C' system, where ONLINE-BANK provides business management functions to licensed financial advisers, ...
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