Marketing Plan

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Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

Terra ICT Malaysia bank provides a variety of creative and innovative online savings to customers, with the marketing mission of "If you have never experience Terra ICT Malaysia bank e-Savings, you have never experienced online gaming". This recreation of online savings has no boundaries by means of cultural and demographic environment. Since 2000, sales of our online savings have been surging healthily, with a growth rate reaching its peak in year 2002. Unfortunately, sales started to decline in year 2003 (Howarth 2003 3).

Our partnership with Bintai Kinden Corp. Bhd. has maintained our status as a market leader in this field for the past several years (Degeratu 2000 55-78). However, competitors are growing in numbers and competition is getting very aggressive. Therefore, we plan on marketing ourselves aggressively in the coming year. We will produce our first bank brochure, which we'll use as a handout at the cyber cafes as place of distribution venues. Costs for production of the ads, the brochure and placement of the ads will be $8,500.

Terra ICT Malaysia bank will continue to position itself as market leader in online savings by creating new and better services, developing a market for the corporate world, also playing an active role in promoting the online savings globally. Year 2005 will be both exciting and challenging for us as we move towards a different level in market expansion.

Organization Structure

Management Team

Chief Executive OfficerTom Tamura

Chief Operating OfficerCS Chin

Chief Marketing OfficerLeong Seng Keat

Chief Technology OfficerY S Chan

Chief Support OfficerG L Goh

Market Analysis

This bank, Terra ICT Sdn. Bhd., is quite new to the online savings market. Teenagers, especially between the ages of 14-20 are their main target customers (Mintzberg 2004 348-411). Therefore, their target is to fulfil teenager's desire by giving them extreme excitement with full of great extensive catalogue of savings. In spite of that, they do want to prevail against other online services companies. This will be in detail further onwards.

Varieties of Services

Trra ICT is offering 15 online savings, compromising various genres at (-Savings) portal. Currently, there are 7 savings available for consumers in Malaysia to choose from. Moreover, there are different types of savings for consumers to distinguish and choose among these various types of savings.

Competitor Analysis

While Terra ICT Malaysia bank is one of the top leading online savings in Malaysia, it faces tough competitions from rival online services companies such as Phoenix Savings Studio, Services Flier, with Services Flier being the highest competitor. These companies produce very similar types of savings compared to Terra ICT. Services Flier is really new to all the Malaysian, and recently released services called "Ragnarok Online" in Bahasa Malaysia version. Moreover, Services Flier is a Taiwan owned bank, with pay up capital over RM2.74 million (Bayne 2008 28). Hence, it is the world leading Chinese Online Services Developer, Publisher, Distributor and Operator in Chinese Market Region. However, for English version of online services market, Terra ICT is currently the largest online services bank in Malaysia.

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