Marketing Plan

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Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan


Nike is an athletic shoe retailer that is dedicated to providing the athlete with a unique shoe to enhance performance in sports. Nike believes that the athlete deserves to have a comfortable shoe in order to enhance the performance of the athlete. The company makes shoes for every sport and is dedicated to pleasing its customers. Nike works hard to give customers what they want in order to keep them coming back for more. A lot has happened at Nike in the 33 years since we entered the industry, most of it good, some of it downright embarrassing. But through it all, we remain totally focused on creating performance opportunities for everyone who would benefit, and offering empowering messages for everyone who would listen. We feel lucky to have a genuine, altruistic reason to be: the service of human potential. That's the great benefit of sports, and we're glad to be in the middle of it.

The company's mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. One of Nike's co-founders, Bill Bowerman, inspired the corporation's current mission statement. As a respected track and field coach at the University of Oregon, Bowerman would tell his athletes, "If you have a body, you are an athlete," and this statement carried over into becoming a great philosophy of business and of life in general. Through using this definition of athlete, Nike's mission statement, "To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world" is formulated in a way that it can cater to and target athletes of differing athletic talents, capabilities, and body structures.

It is apparent that this mission statement is a true inspiration to the company; everything from their designs to their commercials follows the aspirations set by the mission statement. The company is always designing new products that can better the athlete in some particular way. For example, by providing proper airflow, support or other necessary innovations, the athletic ability of a certain individual would be accentuated just that much to put him or her above the rest, theoretically. Their commercials inspire people to become the best athlete they are capable of being by placing within them the strength and self-confidence said to come from owning the proper sports gear.

The company's market would be anyone with a body according to its founder Bill Bowerman. The market for Nike can range from as young as a newborn baby all the way up to an 80 year old woman. Nike works hard to please everyone that has a need to be sporty. Nike operates on six continents. Nike's suppliers, shippers, retailers and service providers employ close to 1 million people. The diversity inherent in such size is helping Nike evolve its role as a global company. We see a bigger picture today than when we started, one that includes building sustainable business with sound labor practices. We retain the zeal of youth yet act on our responsibilities as a global corporate ...
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