The report pertains to the marketing plan for Stericycle with respect to its medical waste disposal management services. This is one of the significant services by Stericycle Inc. The medical waste disposal services offered by Stericycle Inc. ensure aggressive and effective treatment of biological waste, which will seek to minimize epidemiological risks. Medical wastes are part of healthcare waste. Stericycle Inc. with its medical waste disposal services serves customers nationwide through its network of branches. A wide range of industries rely on waste management of Stericycle's medical waste services. The current market share of the company in the medical waste disposal management is 14 percent. However, the company aims to increase the share by 2 percent.
Stericycle also aims to focus on critical success factors by incorporating innovative methods of disposal. The target market for Stericycle's medical waste disposal services include health care institutions such as hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, clinics, dental clinics, nursing practice institutions and all those organizations, which are involved in producing medical waste. As a result, health care organizations rely on the services of companies such as Stericycle for managing the medical waste.
It is essential for the marketing plan of the medical waste disposal services to segregate the various categories of medical waste, so that it assists in effective disposal. Hospitals and other health care organizations have different behaviors and attitudes with respect to medical waste management. With respect to the medical waste disposal services, the customers want the service provider to manage waste disposal in an effective and efficient way. Stericycle Inc. will use three marketing tactics for the effective communication of its medical waste disposal management. As a result, the company will seek to promote its services more aggressively.
Overview of the Industry and Description
It is difficult to find a precise definition of environmental goods and services. In addition, there is also an absence of criteria, which can categorize environmental goods and services. As far as merchandise goods and its trade is concerned, this falls under the governance and standards set by the GATT. Moreover, there are other agreements pertaining to the WTO, along with a special chapter on environmental goods. The environmental services are defined and classified according to the GATS W/120, whose criticism is being severely restricted to the traditional environmental industry, services public infrastructure, pollution control and waste management, and, therefore, not reflect their current status (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2006).
As a result, the members of the WTO have been developing a number of conceptualizations to identify what environmental good or service refers to. However, the definitions may differ from country to country as there are no agreement on the nature of products, which are environmental goods and services. The proposals in the WTO debate tend to reflect the interests of industrialized countries since they are highly biased to those goods or services ...