Marketing Mix Of Ipod

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Marketing Mix of iPod

Marketing Mix of iPod


Marketing mix is the combination of different elements and methods of marketing which marketers use to promote the products and services. The aim of using optimum level of these different tools is to generate the desired response from the customers. These tools are employed to the satisfaction of the customers. Marketing mix is considered the most famous terms of marketing.

Marketing mix is the combination of 4P's. These are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. 4Ps to some extent, are four aspects of the product and in the process of successful marketing, the marketers use the best possible combinations of these marketing tools.


The most distinguishing part of the 4Ps is that, these are controllable subject to external and internal constraints of a given environment. The aim of the decisions taken to implement the idealistic blend of 4Ps is to generate the positive response and create a perceived value among the customer (Doyle, 2003).

The extent at which the digital music has penetrated in human life is a surprising one. The technological advancement has changed the features of music. The CD's and DVD's are replaced with more sophisticated devices such as iPods which not only reduced the size of the music device but also enhanced the quality of music. The striking feature of such small music devices is the large memory. Where CD and DVD are unable to store much of the data, iPods has allowed the user to save the songs and other multimedia file multiple times.

Marketing Mix: Product

Product or service is the actual offering targeted to customers. Product may also include some value added stuff. The decisions related to the product may include the offers of the services, brand name, packaging, appearance, warranty, after sales services, installation, functionality and other functions that may be directly related to the product or service (Kotler et al., 2004).

The iPod has many important features like music download and books and literature download. But by the time, Apple launched the different and distinguishing feature. The latest model of the iPod outpaced the features of the previous additions. Besides, changing the features of the products, Apple also changed the looks and design. The continuous change and improvement in the quality of iPod are the distinguishable feature of iPod. The iPod Nano is another example of Product side of the marketing mix. It was at the time of its launched considered the smallest music devices.

One of the most significant aspects of the iPod is iTunes. Company projected iTunes as an easy way to get songs. Apple believed the iPod product separate from the rest of the range of products. On the official website of iTunes, the company offered more than 5 million songs, around 27,000 audiobooks, 100,000 free podcasts and approximately 350 TV shows.

The accessories of the iPod are compatible with other Apple products, and this feature allows the user to remain updated with the changing pace of technological advancement. This feature also gives the user to integrate iPods ...
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