Marketing Mix Nokia

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Marketing Mix Nokia

Marketing Mix Nokia


The product consists of all issues related to the planning and development, standardization and setting range. The problem of the product is such trade name, quality, and warranty; return the product, packaging, product features, product brand. Usually key role of marketing plays in the price. It must be attractive enough for the recipient to be decided to buy a product or service. Marketing approach essence consists in the fact that in determining the amount as a starting point is not the cost of manufacture, but the possibility of purchasing the population. Through the distribution means all activities related to moving the product from the producer to the final consumer or customer. Activities may include for example: transport, storage, maintenance, and sales. The other sides of this business are the issues related with the number of intermediate cells, which may be crucial for the efficiency of the distribution system. Promotion means any form of communication with customers. Use it to solve a case of getting the information about the product to a group of potential customers and persuade them to buy goods (Atafar, 2011).

Proponents of increasing the number of elements of the marketing mix usually add packaging material for products and people and customer service for service. Four P's offers correspond to consumer 4C. These are in particular the needs and desires (consumer needs and wants), the cost of which shall (cost to the consumer); mutual information (communication) and the convenience of purchase (convenience). Despite the existence of four basic elements of marketing in practice, it appears that the company is entering the market your product for its success has to do much more. First of all, must determine to whom the product is targeted speech and how receptive is the market. In the field of marketing for the company to achieve a particular purpose, use the various combinations of tools and marketing activities in order to achieve maximum profit and sales (Gronroos, 1994). Elements of the marketing mix are largely interchangeable with each other, i.e., that the same goal can be achieved by marketing a variety of compositions and elements of marketing. (Expenditure on packaging may exempt the company from spending on advertising, because advertising creative product packaging itself. Too good brand and good name of the company can save on the cost of advertising. Simultaneously, appropriate packaging of goods reduces the expenses associated with the sale.) Existence of substitutability between different elements allows you to create many alternative composition activities that meet similar or equivalent requirements. The elements of the marketing mix are also said that they are complementary, which means that by the enhancement of one of the elements increases the effectiveness of the other elements. Complementarities of the instruments makes the instrument can be changed in the structure of the marketing mix, or included in it only in so far as they can be modified and adapted other instruments complementary to it (Kalyanam & McIntyre, 2002).

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