Marketing Mix

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Marketing Mix In Different Contexts

Marketing Mix In Different Contexts


Marketing Mix is a marketing tool used by businesses for effective marketing. Companies use this tool in various contexts as per their target market. This paper discusses Marketing Mix in different contexts.

Plan Marketing Mixes For Two Different Segments In Consumer Markets

Harley-Davidson (Harley) is one of the important automotive companies. It produces motorcycle parts, heavyweight motorcycles, apparel, general merchandise and accessories. It is already very popular among mature more than 30 years customers, but now it has started marketing for two different segments in consumer markets, Women and youth.


Harley-Davidson has not only developed its brand equity for men but also for women. Harley-Davidson tailored a marketing program to encourage women to take up cycling, thus doubling the number of potential customers for its motorcycles. Established and top brands employ a brand personality. Traits linked to Harley-Davidson are masculinity, defiance, and rugged individualism. Harley-Davidson sells more than motorcycles and riding supplements. Harley-branded merchandise amounted to more than $211 million in company sales in 2003. (Vazques 2010, 169-190)

Harley-Davidson's tailored marketing program for women includes a product that requires less strength to operate a motorcycle and lowered seat heights. The communications program includes advertisements in magazines, such as Jane, Allure, Vanity Fair, Glamour, and Self, and at local dealer events to introduce first-time women riders to the product and the sport of cycling. For Harley-Davidson, the female segment is measurable, differentiable from males, accessible through communications and distribution channels, and substantial enough in terms of sales and profit to warrant attention. (Vazques 2010, 169-190)

Enthusiastic Harley-Davidson fans are global and diverse in ethnicity. They have a variety in age and differ in income. Many females are a die-hard Harley-Davidson fan who have been fancying about the day they can possess a Harley- Davidson. Many Female customers have also bought Harley-Davidson bikes. Female customers have modified their rides by adding extra cylinders and changing pipes. The customers think of no expense for their Harley-Davidson bike. They own many vests, Harley-Davidson boots, T-shirts, sunglasses, key chain, jeans, wallet, and also a Harley-Davidson tattoo. Their car can also have HD stickers, and female customers are a also a motorcycle collector. Female customers exclaim that this is a Harley-Davidson obsession. Female customers also remember Harley-Davidson's history. They can also be a part of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle club, and become a friendship among Harley-Davidson riders, however they are acquainted with them or not, that places them in the Harley-Davidson clan. (Bagozzi 2010, 32- 39)


Harley-Davidson started exploring novel consumer sections these days, with an intensive effort to augment charm in bike riders who are under 30's. Harley-Davidson riders are mostly more than 45 years old. And young riders are at risk in labelling the standard big-engine, chromed-out bikes as their ancestor's bike or, however poorer, their forefathers' motor cycle.

So Harley-Davidson initiated researching on what under-30 riders can be supporting in the Harley-Davidson's products, what can be relaxing non-customers, and what significance appealed to them to ...
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