Marketing Consumer Behaviour

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Marketing Consumer Behaviour

Executive Summary

Apple has come up with a revolutionary gadget which they named iPhone. This phone combines power with simplicity to deliver an experience like no other. Overall, its hardware is superior to any other phone in the market, with its operating system considered one of the best. However, the work did not stop here for iPhone, with continuous research and development they have come up with improvements that continue to capture the imagination of its customers. From communication to entertainment, this phone has everything to keep a person preoccupied and connected to this fast paced world. Which Apple has focused on providing quality apps for its users, it has also focused on providing apps to help businesses increase their efficiency. Targeted to young adults, this phone has made Apple a leading player in the phone market, even though the iPhone costs a lot compared to its competitors, there is a large market for this phone. The iPhone 4s has opened up new avenues in the mobile phone industry. Packed with innovative features, this phone is a result of the rigorous research Apple has done in order to satisfy its customers and take them a step beyond the rest.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2

Background Information4

Consumer Analysis5

Market Segmentation7

Benefits Sought by Consumer7

Demographic Variables8

Behavioral variables8

Psychographic Variables8

Market Segmentation Groups9

Teenage group9

Young Adult Group10

Professional Group10

Primary Target Audience10

Young Adult Group as a Primary Market Segment11

Influence of Reference Groups on Purchase Decision12

Primary Groups12

Secondary Groups12

Recommendations for Marketing Channels13


Marketing Consumer Behavior

Background Information

As we know, business reports play a vital role in the process of decision making under different circumstances. A number of factors are looked upon when a business report is prepared. There should be a well defined objective of preparing a business report which would serve the manager as an important tool to make an appropriate decision.

The purpose of preparing this report is to identify the market segments for our product which is Apple's smart phone, iPhone 4s. The main aim of this report is to focus on the segmentation of this product in the market and identify the target audience for this product and the factors that would influence consumer's purchasing behavior in regard to the selected product (Davis, 2004).

Apple is famous for introducing its consumers with innovative designs of their products and improved technology to provide its consumers an opportunity to experience the best technology based phone with improved and innovative features. This report is based on the marketing aspects and behavior of consumers relating to Apple's product iPhone 4s. Iphone 4s falls in the category of fifth generation of iPhone and it is a smart phone based on touch scree technology.

The consumers who were waiting for Apple's new product experienced a feeling of disappointment because of the design or appearance of the new phone. The design of iPhone 4s was same as its previous version iPhone 4 (Trautschold, 2012). A number of new features were introduced by the company in this product which provided the consumers with satisfaction and an opportunity to experience the innovative touch-screen ...
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