Marketing Communication

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Marketing Communication Revision Questions

Marketing Communication Revision Questions

1. Discuss role of publicity plays as part of IMC (integrated marketing communication) campaign.

Publicity plays a major role as part of IMC campaign. It helps to educate the target audience about the presence and relevance of the campaign. Without publicity, an IMC campaign cannot possibly be expected to be successful. This is mainly because of the fact that an IMC campaign requires the participation of the target audience in order to function. In addition, an IMC campaign is generally designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of the target audience (Bulearca & Bulearca, 2011). As a result, if the target audience is not adequately aware of the IMC campaign's purpose and functioning, the likelihood of adequate reception becomes greatly minimized; thereby jeopardizing the eventual outcome and undermining the entire process.

A particular aspect of IMC campaigns that makes them particularly vulnerable and reliant on publicity is that IMC campaigns are greatly affected by public opinion and perception. As a result, while publicity also helps to educate the public about the IMC campaign, it also helps the public understand the frame of reference that the IMC campaign is designed to utilize and through which the audience can most adequately perceive the campaign.

2. Discuss in detail how recession has affected the role of sports sponsorship in marketing communication.

The last global recession has affected the role of sports sponsorship in marketing communication by influencing the degree to which sponsors were willing to take risks in sports sponsorships. Sponsors now have a much stricter set of requirements that athletes and sportsmen/women are required to comply with. They do not have the margin to make mistakes since there are far more external (uncontrollable) variables than an organization would be comfortable with under normal circumstances (Walraven, Koning & van Bottenburg, 2012). In addition, it also merits highlighting that the recession has affected the role of sports sponsorship in marketing communication by limiting the budget that organizations could dedicate to sports sponsorships.

This is a damaging aspect because sports sponsorships, while being costly and high-maintenance in nature are extremely popular with the general public and have a very active tendency to give return on investment. However, with decreasing margin, companies are forced to resort to more old fashioned and less investment-intensive forms of marketing communication strategies.

3. Explain the role of sponsorship plays in relation to building brand equity and developing positive feelings towards the company's.

The role that sponsorship plays in relation to building brand equity and developing positive feelings towards the company has remained a heated topic of debate and research in the last few decades. Examples such as those of the Goodyear blimp, the Emirates stadium and the like have served to strengthen the school of thought that considers it imperative for organizations to engage in sponsorship activities (Frederick & Patil, 2010). Furthermore, as the rapid trends of globalization continue to make daily life increasingly complicated, the desire (and demand) for living-room entertainment increases in direct ...
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