Marketing Audit Plan Of Action

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Marketing Audit Plan of Action

Marketing Audit Plan of Action


This paper discusses the various aspects and perspectives of marketing audit plan of action. It further elaborates the issues and challenges in action plans in terms of marketing audit and related activities. The problems arise during the course of actions which should be resolved in order to guarantee a smooth and effective plan of actions. Thus, it can be stated that plan of action requires defined strategies for the successful and effective execution of activities. Therefore, this plan plays a pivotal role in the marketing audit and associated actions pertaining to such activities.


The Action Plan Marketing and Sales development is to focus on achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the Strategic Planning of the same company, where actions are planned marketing and sales for the same position in a competitive manner, with defined strategies for dissemination and sales of products and services, sales channels and relationships, partnerships, etc. Companies have realized that it is essential to know how to plan for success. Much more than a theoretical tool, the marketing plan is an essential tool for the entrepreneur can focus their efforts on the opportunities that the market presents you with applying effectively and efficiently its resources (Taghian, 2008).

Developing a marketing plan requires the integration of people and resources of the company around the analysis and identification of target markets, creating, communicating and delivering a product or service of value to the end consumer. The result should provide customer satisfaction, and the company, market growth and financial returns for the business and its employees (Tewdwr-Jones, 1998). Situational analysis is a device that uses methods of inside and outer investigation to examine a setup or current standing of any association. It helps in advancing a stage for making a viable operation ...
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