Marketing Assignment

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Marketing Assignment


Purpose of the topic1

Background of the topic1

Scope of the topic1

Methodology of the topic2

Assumptions of the topic2



Research Objectives3

Key Information Areas4

Proposed Marketing Research Techniques5

Implementation of the Research7

Justification of the Research7

Limitations of the Research8

Recommendations for the Research9




Purpose of the topic

The purpose of this topic is to introduce a concept of brand new Nespresso machine to the market. It should be cheaper than other products in the market but got more specifications too. Therefore, there is a need to work on the Marketing Strategy of this product.

Background of the topic

The usage of the Coffee Machines is quite high in most of the organizations. The reason is that these coffee machines help the people in consuming coffee without facing any problem. The consumption of coffee has increased a lot over the past several years and there is must be a proper setup in this regard in order to assist the consumers in having coffee in different places. Therefore, the Background of the topic has a lot of importance in explaining the major issues related to the Nespresso Machine.

Scope of the topic

The scope of the topic has a lot of importance in explaining the different aspects related to Nespresso Machine. The scope of the topic needs to define the major issues of the Nespresso Machine. There is a need to assess the various features related to the plan of the Nespresso Machine.

Methodology of the topic

The main focus in this topic would be on the Methodology of the topic. The reason is that the Methodology of the topic would cover some important elements of the Nespresso Machine. Since it is a marketing research, the significance of the Methodology for the topic is quite high. The extensive information related to the Methodology of the topic would be covered later in the assignment.

Assumptions of the topic

The assumption of the topic is also important in defining the path for the entire assignment. The reason is that the assumption would help in meeting the goals and objectives of the assignment. The assumptions of the topic will also require a suitable strategy in order to define the concepts of Nespresso Machine in the best possible way. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a proper analysis in relation to the assumptions of the topic.


There are going to be some limitations for the topic. The assignment is related to the Marketing aspects of the Nespresso Machine but there are some other elements which may not be possible. These elements needs a detailed assessment in order to make it possible for analyzing some major issues related to the development of Nespresso Machine. Therefore, these are the limitations of the research.


Research Objectives

Coffee is grown in 60 countries worldwide by around 25 million farmers. Most farmers cultivate fewer than 10 hectares, or about 20 acres, of land. Small-scale family farms produce over 70% of the world's coffee in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Arabica coffee beans, one of two main coffee varieties (the other being Robusta) ...
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