Marketing And Sales Strategy For A Start-Up Company by

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Marketing and Sales Strategy for a Start-Up Company


Literature review

The second chapter of the dissertation, the literature review, would highlight the various means that might be used to promote and support the plan for a start-up company, supposedly starting s new business in the year 2013. It should be noted that businesses are primarily based on the marketing strategies adopted for them and the same strategies have a direct impact on the success or failure of the organisation [Dishman, 2008]. Marketing could be simply defined as the process in which the goods and services move from their point of production to the point of consumption. The advancements in technological world, combined with the expansion in various market segments have caused an immense increase in the importance of various forms of marketing. It should be noted that the advancements in information technology and the progress of various forms of media has also played an eminent part in increasing the level of customer awareness, combined with the better education and thus leading to the production of specialized and well-informed costume [Kramer, 2000, Pp: 12].

A number of researches have been conducted to highlight the various aspects related to marketing section of the organisation, combined with the different means used for marketing of products and services and to analyze their impact on the progress and failure of the business. It is essential to note that a number of aspects have to be considered in order to ensure that there are strategic and appropriate techniques are used for marketing of the product and services, thus leading to the better and prosperous future of the organisation [Raj, 2007]. In order to make sure that all the aspects of marketing are properly judged and analyzed and the effective marketing plan is devised for the growth and expansion of the organisation, all the different forms of marketing and advertising would be presented. Thus, the following paragraphs deal with the various marketing outlets and sources, to make sure that the end results are in sufficient enough to ensure customer satisfaction and thus provide benefit to the organisation.

Web/Mobile Channel strategies

With the advances in information and technology, a number of changes are taking place in the forms and methods of marketing and advertising, with the most modern and highly used methods being adopted for to ensure success of the organization [Hoyer and MacInnis, 2001, Pp: 134]. It should be taken into account that the recent years have seen internet and smart phones taking over the marketing and advertising media, and the same is now being used to attract customers while promoting various businesses [Oskamp, 2005]. The different web and mobile strategies are not only promoting the already established businesses, they are also playing an essential part in highlighting the small businesses, by providing them with better opportunities of building relationships and attaining costumers for their products and services. It should be noted that while the web and mobile channels were gaining popularity in the last few years, the same has entered ...
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