Marketing And Management

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Marketing and Management

Sportzshoo Company

[Name of the Institute]

Sportzshoo Company


There are various issues pertaining to marketing activities which can be found in Sportzshoo plc. Being appointed as the graduate marketing trainee, I will be critically analyzing the various situations and marketing related problems which Sportzshoo is currently facing and will be providing my recommendations and solutions to effectively overcome these problems. The entire ideology of these recommendations would be to enhance the prospects of the organization to succeed in the future. The two tasks which I have selected for this assignment are discussed as below.


Task 1

While running a business, one of the most important aspects which need to be considered by an organization is information. Having up to date information can radically increase the effectiveness and prospects of an organization of being successful. This is because information pertaining to the environment, the respective industry and about the customers can largely help an organization in developing strategies and forming goals according to the direction which the information is leading to. Up to date information can also help an organization stay afoot of the competition in the market (Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, 2013, pp. 456-489).

Thus, assuming that MR. Steve Scott needs advice pertaining to the type of information which needs to be analyzed in order to effectively manage the business, I will provide him with various options and solutions.

Firstly, I would like to make him understand the importance of information. Apart from the importance which has been already discussed above, there are other importance's which need to be analyzed by Mr. Steve. The fact that the company's marketing efforts and activities have been rather sophisticated and even though it had the opportunity to make big profit, yet the company was not bringing g in any sales due to their marketing activities but it was completely relying on the good relationship which it has made over the years with various suppliers.

Informative data is the key to communication, and a discriminating asset for performing work in organizations. Business managers use the greater part of their day in gatherings, perusing, written work, and speaking with different administrators, subordinates, customers, specialists, and different constituents by means of phone, in individual, or by message. In fact, administration itself is qualified information preparing. It includes assembling, transforming, and spreading information. Operating information includes adapting to a bunch of information sources and at last settling on choices about what to do with it.

There are basically two different forms of information which Sportzshoo can make use of. The first form is primary and the latter being secondary. Primary information includes all forms of information which are exclusively available to the person or organization which is acquiring that information. However, secondary information is making use of information which is already present and available to be used. This information is usually collected by another party, but a person or an organization can make use of this information and accordingly utilize it into its process to make the most out of ...
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